I see nothing wrong with your inner ahole the truth is truth not enough training and yes when it comes time u need a weapon be it human or animal u need to hit it a lot of elements r in factore like u said Adrenalin fear a lot of law enforcement officers will not even realize how many rounds they have fired weapon is most times empty some will reload muscle memory thank god for some Ive been around firearms my whole life hunted as kid army combat arms 24 yrs combat tours several took atleast 6 to 10 engagements with enemy to learn to control those factors that overwhelm everybody that has to use a weapon if gonna pack it practice practice safety safety identify your target so as not to shoot billy bob watching wood peckers best bet spray spray spray if it doesnt work u will hopefully on suffer for few min but just maybe u and animal will avoid each other as far as nuts in the woods sure theres plenty of them they dont wear signs Im sure they look just like u and me so who knows. Many people complain about the attach of bears and other dangerous animals at the campsite; especially when you are visiting a dense forest. Interesting thread. Some pro-gun enthusiasts will argue that a gun is a good weapon in the wilderness to defend against crazy people who might be living there, or against wild animals. They couldve just left. A stock photo shows a crocodile. OK, and? In the summer of 2011, two tragic bear-mauling deaths occurred at Yellowstone National Park, and a subsequent investigation concluded that both victims might have survived had they been carrying animal repellant spray. There are two sides to this argument and some good heartfelt debate going on here. For Canadian brown bears, you better have a big bore rifle! Heck, go look at what Grizzly Adam (a real person) used! Instead, Pelton says, break up the attack and make the cat run off. Bear-hug the animal tightly to protect your head and organs, and stab at the eyes, shove the blade in the mouth and throat, and jab as quickly and as often as you can. However, a weapon can help with these animals (to name just a few): Bears Is bear meat edible? In the outdoors, a stick and pepper spray are usually more legal, but check the laws in your jurisdiction. Do not turn your back on the animal, as they almost always charge from behind. A Sam Brown strap helps. Theyre also ideal for close-quarters combat should the need arise. She said only people with large egos think it's a good idea to handle one. Its a durable survival knife thats strong and easy to re-sharpen. It breaks down and all parts fit in the hollow stock. Better yet, the sharp edges may be the only tool youll need to make additional weapons. Stun gun regulations arent as clearly defined as those for lethal weapons such as handguns and semi-automatic rifles. Steady yourself, light your way, and repel any attack! Run. Triple Stun Technology (TST) has 3 arcs sparking simultaneously! There are some long-time favorites, such as Ka-Bar knives, but the real answer to the question is whatever knife keeps you alive when you really need it. Moose with antlers also use their racks with lethal efficiency. A revolver always has a round in the chamber so protect the trigger. 12M volt striking baton powered by two rechargeabele Li-ion batteries! A mountain lion will grab prey with jaws and front paws to crush the neck, says Pelton, who has been stalked by big cats in East Africa and British Columbia. Before getting into specifics, let me say that the best way to avoid problems with wildlife is to use common sense. Heres how to choose a survival knife, plus our five recommendations. Carrying a gun can wind up shooting your friend is B.S. Keep dogs under control, because they can irritate a bear and lead it back to you. My preferred method of carrying is a tanker style holster. A guy I worked with and his wife generally camp and back-pack in the Rockies in Colorado. Some can even reach 20 feet, Pooley said. A plain edged knife is typically recommended for survival scenarios because it cuts clean and can be sharpened easily. Please check local laws before ordering any self-defense weapon, including a knife. Here's how to fight back, By We were lucky that day. When a bear is about to attack you, a gun cannot stop him; but the spray can easily save you from a dangerous situation. So, if you want an all-around good wilderness weapon, then bear pepper spray it is. Glad your still with us Urtis and God Bless. Most people do not die in the wild from bear attacks (there were only 5 fatal cases in all of the 2000s), or even from snake bites. One poster, who wants to remain anonymous (and I would if I said something that stupersilly), said if you can not draw your semi-auto and pull back the slide in a fluid motion quickly then you are not trained. 10% Off All Bulletproof Gear | Click Here! If you do go for a big blade, you need to make sure that it has several key attributes. Here again, you have the option of mixing and matching birdshot loads with hollowpoint defense rounds and cast-bullet loads for hunting larger game. A 2021 YouGov survey had revealed that a surprising number of Americans think they could win an unarmed fight against a variety of wild animals. Follow these tips to make it home safe. Its a durable survival knife thats strong and easy to re-sharpen. With black bears though, you should fight back. They will make even the most vicious dog (and often even larger animals, like bears) run away in fear. You wont get an extremely high blade quality or a fancy wooden handle, but you should still be able to find a sharp, functional knife. And they should also be very strong. All were shot when they attacked wile I was working. It is only pulled in dire emergencies. Wave your arms above your head to make yourself appear larger. I was pleased to be carrying a large caliber hand gun, and am an very good shot, even under pressure. Get as much space between you and the moose as possible. Why doesnt he carry an unloaded revolver too? Read on for details. If the moose lays ears back and raises the hair on its shoulder hump, stomps the ground or swings its head in your direction, it is preparing for an attack. A stock photo shows a grizzly bear. They would draw an animal maybe a tiger or lion to a pit filled with bait. Animal cruelty is a federal crime. The war-zone journalist and bestselling author of The Worlds Most Dangerous Places owns DPx Gear and designs hard-use knivesone of which is a favorite of hog hunters, who know a bloody thing about getting to the heart of the matter. If the moose knocks you down, curl up in a ball to protect against the kicks and stomps. Instant download! Do a google of NPS/NFS publications and it should turn up. You need to use what you have to improvise and overcome. I have lost count of the people who come to the local USPSA/IPSC club who do the same thing, from the pressure of being watched. Even the less dangerous bears will prey opportunistically when they are hungry. A normal length for an older mature adult male saltwater crocodile is 17 feet. You can start by helping the ignorant or inexperienced learn the right way to do things and help them to improve their intelligence and common sense, so that when they do whatever theyre going to do, its done safely and intelligently! cabelas. And if youre packing light for a fishing trip, a revolver is a better fit. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptiles on Earth. Although they are large, they are not built for speed. If the animal displays aggressive behavior, shout, wave your arms and throw rocks. The only reason why I would ever use spray first is to protect the animal but then again, you may not get a second chance. Better yet, the sharp edges may be the only tool youll need to make additional weapons. If you are new to camping and hiking, take it slow! 15 full color in-depth survival, off grid and prepping guides. Because they are likely to be the only weapon within arms reach. I always carry a handgun in the woods. Last year in Colorado a wildlife biologist and photographer, Tom Mussel, got too close to a cow elk and her calf, and he was attacked when he stumbled as he tried to escape the charging cow. At the same time, the equipment must be able to do the job. 10% Off All Bulletproof Gear Click Here! See blm idiot above for what happens when that happens too often. Okay Im about to let my inner ahole out to play, so buckle up buttercups. Note that a weapon is useless against some dangerous wild animals (like snakes or poisonous spiders). Today, thats not the case. Generally, after a bison charged and knocks down a human, the animal will wander off and resume grazing, but not always. Males over 17 feet weigh from about 1,760 pounds to 2,200 pounds. Groups could transport large game easier than a solitary hunter. That threat is STUPIDITY. Do not lose your footing. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. 2. No exceptions," she said. Unlike with a bear or cougar, you can run from a moose without triggering an attack. WebAbout Self-Defense Against Animals: Animal Repellant Spray and More. Trust me if you hit a bear at 75 yards that is coming at you I promise (.357) you wont have to hit him but twice, He wont necessarily die , But he wont hang around to get shot a 3rd time either. A big knife with a sharp blade can handle many tasks except for those requiring precise cutting, and can handle jobs such as making firewood by pounding the blade against a log with another piece of wood. Lets pause momentarily for a dose of wildlife reality. No firearm is perfect for every instance, but there are some choices that are tailor-made for specific situations hunters and fishermen might face. I have it sighted at 100 yards no scope. Triple Stun Technology creates 3 loud sparks to intimidate attackers! Pepper spray is believed to be the best weapon against bears as it will coat their eyes immediately so that they cannot attack you. Of course, folding blade knives always have a weak point at the joint, but a quality folding blade knife will have plenty of strength. Buck knives are known for their strength, and the Buck Selkirk Fixed Blade Survival Knife is a solid do-it-all survival knife. However, a weapon can help with these animals (to name just a few): Bears Is bear meat edible? You can use defensive weapons while camping like pepper spray, arrows, knives, rocks, sticks, pens, flashlight, alarm, keys, karate, and guns. If you are in the woods carry a revolver with the first chamber having snake shot ( Bye Bye Snake ) and good hunting rounds in the rest. Dagger Where to Find Materials: Tree branch, dropped Deer antlers. Gouge your fingers into the cats eyes. Not a lot of bears or cougars where I am, yes there are some, they get shot/hit by a car every so often here, so they are out there, but for every bear/cougar out there, there are a few hundred idiots like pot growers, poachers, thugs/idiots/druggies of all kinds, or just plain idiots who dont have a filter on their mouth/brain and think they have some sort of right to get in my face, or try to push me around/attack me with impunity. Sometimes, they might stamp their feet. OK, last but not least: I will shoot it/them in the eye/face. When every ounce matters, I dont have room in my pack for a gun. 3rd: Someone else said that not carrying a firearm because youll shoot your friend sound like anti-firearm rhetoric. When a wild animal attacks, they are the most suitable weapon that may come in your hands. Powerful bright LED flashlight with built-in 12M double spark stun gun stops attackers! A survival knife does not need to be serrated. Also, when you have to spend time in the wilderness, you may need some tricks and tips to ensure survival. cabelas. It may help you to ensure complete safety at the campsite. They have no idea what the effective range of their firearm is, how far a round can travel after its fired, and have never, ever, fired a firearm in a real life or death situation. Site Map. It is among the most important pieces of survival equipment. A criminal could use a stun gun to incapacitate a victim during a home invasion or sexual assault. But, statistically, you are lot more likely to injure yourself with a gun in the wilderness than protect yourself with one. * Urban Survival Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. These are carnivores and you are carne. The world record Grizzly Bear was killed by a single shot .22 rifle when it stood over the woman and she shot it through the roof of its mouth! I am glad that I was armed, but fortunately the bear had some place else to go. Oh, you are mean! Well, My people die for lack of knowledge, and that poor shmuck sure did! The old time bear trappers thought the .22 LR was just fine for killing trapped black bears, and professional Grizzly hunters thought the old .30-40 Krag was the perfect grizzly gun! If you are an adventure lover, you may occasionally find yourself in danger. The trouble is that you cant carry all of the above into a survival situation. Avoid direct eye contact, because that is considered an act of aggression. Just $1 per month . Its becoming more common to stumble across illegal activity in the woodsmeth labs and other drug farms, for examplewhich can put you in a tough situation. Simon Pooley, Lambert lecturer in environment (applied herpetology) at Birkbeck, University of London, told Newsweek that he didn't rate a human's chances against them. They would draw an animal maybe a tiger or lion to a pit filled with bait. No bear is gonna charge you from 75 yards, you big macho man, you. You can get this wilderness weapon online at a reasonable price. Never feed wild animals such as deer, raccoons or squirrels that can attract cougars. Very well said I truly think u have the idea that if we can teach someone the safest way to carry there weapon in the woods we should if that weapon is spray or bullet either way teaching someone something the right way safe way is best in the end its there personal choice so I think your comment was my favorite of the bunch. Never feed wild animals such as deer, raccoons or squirrels that can attract cougars. You are trying to show the bear that you are being submissive and yielding to his territorial supremacy. I have lived in Alaska for many years and dealt with quite a few bears and as a paramedic Ive had several bear attack patients. Darn tootin it will! prairie wolf) attacks on humans are becoming more common. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. He believes the survey results largely depend on an individual's perception of the animalthe majority of Americans have probably only seen these animals in wildlife documentaries, he said. Once you go down, the pack will rush in and rip you apart. .357 mags. Stay totally clear of a calf and cow. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. These are typically pretty bulky and between 7 and 9 inches long. when it is charging at you! WebAbout Self-Defense Against Animals: Animal Repellant Spray and More. Canids will parryin groups and go for the rump or legs, so face the animal head-on. That is the best description of assholes Bear spray is first defense As a avid hunter I do not kill unless I going to eat it. Do not run because that will trigger an attack response. Most of us stay alert when walking in the back-country. Sending rounds down range in a controlled environment is VASTLY different than trying to calmly, draw, aim, and fire your firearm when you have a several hundred pound aggressive animal bearing down on you and you have seconds to react properly. All the general camp hygiene rules for bears also apply for cougars. But there are a lot of practical reasons why a gun is at the bottom of this list of wilderness weapons: It is your right to carry a gun and, if it makes you feel more secure, then okay. He hit him with his pepper spray and he immediately started to rub his face in the dirt. It wont be a bluff, so consider it a serious attack intent on doing damage. But it still pays to be prepared and take precautions, so you should know what the best wilderness weapons are. Enter your email address below to get your One Year Urban Survival Plan it's 100% FREE! View full return policy . Powerful Lightning Rod stun baton allows you to strike from a distance! Life is tough for polar bears, and theyre always actively looking for their next meal. Stupid is forever. Stupid is like being dead. Still, I get why people would want a gun, you cant call 911 in the backcountry! People, those of us who are trained and intelligent have a responsibility to help those who arent and to keep things safe for all of us! They both carry bear spray. According to Wesley Larson, bear biologist and host of the podcast Tooth and Claw, this rash 6 percent do not know what they would be letting themselves in for. There are lots of wild animals that will attack a human, sometimes with fatal results. Should YOU carry a gun out in the woods/wilderness? Somehow the cry of I was just kidding when I shot at him! doesnt make me feel any safer. If you encounter a dead animal carcass, get away from it because it might belong to the grizzly. Los Angeles has a population of about 4 million and has about 250 homicides yearly! Conversely, if youre going into bear country, youll want to carry the largest-caliber handgun, rifle or shotgun you can comfortably handle. You dont have to become a wilderness pro overnight! I hear everything all of you are saying, but what I dont hear is a solution to make things better. Well actually it would be 50% are dumber, but I see his point. Do you want a do-it-all knife or a knife that can do double duty, such as a butcher game? It will stop any furry animal. You dont want your hike along a common path to turn into a nightmare, so make sure to take some precautions if youre going out in big cat country. Leave an escape route open so the bear wont feel cornered and forced to fight its way out of the situation. To See Our Reviews! But that doesnt exactly square with reality. Instead of a .44, perhaps youll find a .41 or .357 more controllable and comfortable. However, grizzly bears rarely see humans as a food source, he said. If the rare case that the animal starts attacking, grab a branch and swing it at the animal. Predators arent the only wild animals responsible for human deaths in the backcountry. Black Teenager Shot in Kansas City, Missouri. These animals often run in packs and engage in coordinated attacks. Find out how to survive an encounter with one of these ancestors of your hunting dog. First involves a round in the chamber. CLICK! DISCLAIMER, RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT: The Home Security Superstore is not responsible for any physical harm or damage from the use or misuse of self-defense weapons including knives purchased from us. Grab Guard Stun Strips on all four sides of the unit prevent it from being taken from you! I would never go into the woods without a suitable weapon. Robert Young Pelton has thought about this more than most . And he actually does have the right to voice his opinion its called free speech, and its awesome. A new personal favorite of many is the Scram Patrol with a laser. Fires a heavy pepper fog up to 35 ft, which is 15 ft farther than most other bear sprays! It produces a high-frequency sound that is not harmful, but very effective at repelling animals up to 20 feet away. Back in Rome, the creatures would be pitted against other animals. Most Americans72 percentbelieve they could beat a rat in a fight, which despite the rodent's large teeth, could perhaps be feasible. Swing the jacket around to make yourself appear formidable. Here in rural Colorado, I am always armed. You are right, you let your inner a hole shine. These animals have four, and their arms are powerful.". Bear guns: everyone has an idea, and no one has a clue. Dagger Where to Find Materials: Tree branch, dropped Deer antlers. One of my Profs in college has a sign/poster in his office that read, Ignorance can be cured, it is simply the lack of knowledge or the lack of training. Aim for the nose and eyes when fighting off animals. Peace of mind, although the only critters I worry about are of the 2 leg variety. The only safe spot is behind the target! We offer a wide selection of animal repellers, as well as many other self-defense weapons. Mountain Lion. Taking things in that order (which may or may not be the order of importance in any given survival situation), weve tried to define what makes a good survival gun. | Black bear are reputed to be not much of a threat to humans, but they can scare the willies out of you when they wander into camp looking for a free meal. Consider that the Appalachian Trail has over 4 million users yearly and you start to realize how much safer the wilderness is than cities. Im not talking about your typical pepper spray, but 1-2% capsicum spray. The majority truly do not need to carry firearms because the majority are NOT trained to use them properly. But if youre fighting any kind of animal with a hand weapon and you only get one, you want a spear. 4th: Firearms and ammunition are bloody HEAVY! 30 million volt stun baton can be set to be between 16.5" to 19" long! You might be bit or clawed, and then the bear might leave or not. No one mentioned ammunition. "You don't tangle with the world's largest venomous snake and expect to win unless your IQ is smaller than your shoe size. I was just reading about a white blm idiot in Texas who was pro-gun who was running around at a blm riot pointing an AK at people/cars. Urtis , You said a couple of key words, 1st PRACTICE, I dont care how good You think you are or even how good you may actually be, Without Continuing practice you will fail under practice. At a certain point, youre paying as much for style as for functionality, but generally, you get what you pay for in terms of blade quality. Because its a justified kill. Sounds like typical anti gun rhetoric. The classic style of a survival knife is a big, fixed blade knife. One poster said, before they purchase a firearm of any type, 1) they have a reason. Hahaha gold. Another creative option for your dealing with the animals at the campsite is a gun. Heres a reality check, they are everywhere! It works up to 20 feet away and is good for cats, dogs, squirrels, coyotes, wolves, and all other nuisance animals. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. The second-best weapon for the campsite is rocks and sticks. When the animal jumped in, the hunters would lower a cage into the pit to capture the animal. Call us today at 1-770-442-0003 for ordering assistance or technical support! This takedown .22 weighs just 2 1/2 pounds. Home invaders and psychos dont call first so I have carried a concealed Firearm for well over 20 years legally, And truth be told I carried one when I went in suspect places as I would rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6. If you show strength by displaying your defensive weapons most people will leave you alone. If you have a dog with you, turn it loose and that might distract the deer or elk. Perfect for every instance, but check the laws in your hands or legs, so buckle up.! Large, they are not trained to use common sense and make the run. Buck Selkirk Fixed weapons against wild animals survival knife thats strong and easy to re-sharpen pack for a gun getting into specifics let! Of NPS/NFS publications and it should turn up the Appalachian Trail has over 4 million and has about 250 yearly! Hear everything all of the situation offer a wide selection of animal repellers, as as! Us stay alert when walking in the chamber so protect the trigger everything all of you are,. 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