Better nutrition and the continuance of daily exercise should be emphasized. Finding: Reports recently beginning exercising to manage diabetes Reports starting taking diabetes medication 5 months ago How long ago did you start taking birth control? Example Question: Week4 DCE Tina Jones Comprehensive - Documentation / Electronic Health Record Document: Provider - Studocu On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. healthliteracy,andcurrenttreatmentplans. Reports swimming weekly No clicks on jaw palpation, full ROM. Example Question: Have you experienced any neurological problems? Finding: No current complaints or recent illness. Finding: Pro Tip: Discovering the reason a patient has been taking pain medication is a crucial part of the history of her condition or injury. Finding: Upon inspection, abdomen protuberant and symmetric. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. Reports occasional ibuprofen use Students have three opportunities to complete this assignment and score at the Proficiency level. Do you take your pill at the same time every day? Tina Jones Skin, hair, and nails assessment skin hair nails subjective data collection: 23 of 23 hover to reveal. She is the primary source of information and is reliable. Finding: These allergens aggravate her asthma symptoms, so she tries to avoid them. Denies breast self-exam Finding: (Found) As Masters level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Gag reflex present, swallows without difficulty. Example Question: Breath sounds present and equal bilaterally, no adventitious sounds noted. hertreatmentplanandthedegreetowhichshecomplieswithit. (Found) Denies sexual activity oral lesions, dry mouth, and changes in taste. AskingTinawhenshelastusedherinhalerwillindicatewhenher Reports recently beginning dieting to manage diabetes Do you smoke marijuana? Acanthosis nigricans. Paternal grandmother: still living, age 82, hypertension. No peripheral edema. Some students may need longer. The rescue inhaler was last used three months ago with a total of two uses in the past year. Finding: Monofilament test shows decreased sensation in both right and left great toes and forefoot. Tina is active in her church and describes a Otterbein University NURS 6830 Advanced Health Assessment Dr Joy Shoemaker, Ruth Chavez, Deidre Arms, Chai Sribanditmongkol January 30, 2023 . Reports a typical breakfast is smoothie with probiotic yogurt or egg on wheat toast with probiotic yogurt (Found) Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2012). History of Present Illness (HOPI): Ms. Jones recalls tripping on concrete stairs outside a week Asked review of systems for neurological. Patient able to identify dull, sharp, and soft touch on all extremities. Finding: Her last general physical exam was five months ago when she was prescribed metformin for her diabetes and a daily inhaler for her asthma. Retrieved from, Muslim Community Services of San DIego. symptomsmostrecentlyrequiredmedicaltreatment. Finding: Regular physical activity should include moderate and vigorous-intensity activities and muscle-strengthening activities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2014). Asking Tina if she takes herbal products will indicate her current treatment plan. Spirometry: FVC 3.9L, FEV1 3.15L, FEV1/FVC ratio 80.56%. A comprehensive physical assessment provides fundamental, personalized knowledge about a patient and creates the basis for health promotion through education and counseling (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). Example Question: Paraphrasing also requires a citation. There is no family history of other cancers, mental illness. Example Question: Can you confirm your asthma? Left disc round with sharp margins. Permalink: When in doubt, cite the source. Mother: age 50, hypertension (HTN), hyperlipidemia (HLD) Denies adverse effects of diabetes medication Cross), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Give Me Liberty! Reports taking ibuprofen for cramps When was the last time you took ibuprofen? Reports asthma medication has not changed She hurt the ball of her right foot by scraping it on the edge of a metal step while changing a light bulb. It is particularly important for Tina, as she suffers from asthma. The rescue inhaler was last used three months ago with a total of two uses in the past year. Ms. Jones has already begun treating her diabetes, but early treatment has not been established to improve cardiovascular outcomes (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). , please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a final submit to me. Ears: Denies difficulty hearing, tinnitus, vertigo, ear pain, infections, and discharge. Example Question: If Proficiency is not achieved on the first attempt it is recommended that you review your answers with the correct answers on the Experience Overview page. Ms. Jones has a penicillin allergy with a reaction of rash. AskingTinahowshehasbeentreatingherhypertensionwillindicate hyperlipidemia and stroke, lack of exercise, and healthy diet. Example Question: Reports drinking 2 diet Cokes per day Monofilament test shows decreased sensation in both right and left great toes and forefoot. colds/infections, epistaxis, and change in smell. healthcareaccess. Within the Shadow Health platform, complete the Comprehensive Assessment. Has your asthma medication changed? Advanced Health Assessment 95% (444) (Found) (Found) understandhoweffectivelyshecomplieswithhertreatmentplan. two times a month when out with friends but no more than three drinks per episode. Reports no nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pain or heartburn. Asking Tina if she has a rescue inhaler for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it. Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol: one pill every day. Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. Finding: ProTip:AskingTinawhenshelastsawaneyedoctorwillindicatethedegreetowhich What is the dose of your metformin? Her speech is clear and eye contact is appropriate. How many drinks do you have in a sitting? Example Question: Vitals: Height 170 cm, Weight 84 kg, BMI 29, BP 128/82, HR 78, RR 15, O2 99%, Temp 37.2C. Denies mental health issues Chest resonant on percussion. She appears well-nourished and dresses appropriately. Comprehensive Assessment: Tina JonesTina Jones is a 28 year old African America women. Struggling to find relevant content or pressed for time? When she experiences It is important to continually monitor proper inhaler use and educate on the importance of monitoring the use of her rescue inhaler. Tag: tina jones comprehensive assessment shadow health. Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history. Example Question: A comprehensive health history and physical examination revealed current health status, health behaviors and health issues of Ms. Tina Jones. She wears corrective lenses and states they have helped with her blurry vision and headaches. Followed up about diabetes medication. Use Coupon CODE: SAVE15, 2013 - 2023 Online Nursing Essays. (Found) Pro Tip: Asking Tina about the recommended dose of her inhaler can help you determine if the treatment is effective and appropriate for her health needs. Finding: You may also need to provide further support and resources to the patient. Full ROM of TMJ with no crepitus. Hair is normal texture and distributed evenly. factsofthepatient'scase. Reports using glucometer There has been no recent frequencyanddurationofherpalpitationsrecentlywillallowyoutoassesstherecent headacherecentlywillallowyoutoassessthefrequencyofherheadaches. She is the primary source of history, and she Pro Tip: Asking a patient for her subjective report on the heaviness of her cramps will help you understand her feelings about her menstrual symptoms. ),UpToDate. AskingTinaifshetakessupplementswillindicatehercurrent Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old obese African American single woman who works as a understandingwhenapatientexperiencesacondition. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone elses work). Example Question: (Found) This will be checked at least once every 24 hours. Research Request a Demo For Shadow Health billing/invoicing questions, email our billing team or call 800-222-9570. Pro Tip: Confirming a patients medical conditions, such as asthma, will enable you to provide the best care possible. Does your inhaler give you any adverse effects? Understanding a patients history of birth control can be an indicator of health literacy. Finding: Finding: Cultural competence and cultural awareness is needed in nursing especially when gathering information and assessing a patient to effectively empower and promote health (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Example Question: Reports walking four or five times a week Musculoskeletal. patient. understandhertreatmentplanandrecenthealthhistory. Example Question: Do you sleep well? Tina reports she has improved her diet by limiting carbohydrates, staying away from sweets and increasing vegetable consumption. And lastly, the pustules on Ms. Jones face are consistent with a diagnosis of acne vulgaris (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2012). Example Question: Do you think your asthma is under control? type 2 diabetes (DM 2) Respiratory. Example Question: Anterior and posterior chest walls are symmetric with respiration, no deformities, rashes, or lesions. She hopes to provided all the information freely and truthfully. Pro Tip: Exercise, in addition to diet, is a key part of physical and mental health. Have you noticed any changes to your breasts? Example Question: It is up to the nurse to identify areas of self-care deficits and provide patients with the education, guidance, and leadership needed to promote a better quality of life. Finding: Finding: (Found) Retrieved from: You are admitting a 19-year old female college student to the hospital for fevers. Tina Jones comes into the clinic for a general physical exam. (Found) That's why our prices are one of the most affordable on the market, and there are no hidden fees. Does ibuprofen help your cramps? Example Question: General: Recent unintentional weight loss, fever last night of 102, chills last night, no fatigue Last eye exam in childhood. ProTip:DiscerningwhetheranythingismakingTina'sasthmaworsecanpointto Example Question: A few days ago, she was exposed to a cat and had to use her inhaler once. chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. Spirometry: FVC 3.9L, FEV1 3.15L, FEV1/FVC ratio 80.56%. Finding: Dual shoulder shrug against resistance, able to turn head in both directions against resistance. Diabetes is disproportionately prevalent in the African American population (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). Distal symmetric sensorimotor polyneuropathy is the most common type and due to Ms. Jones being asymptomatic, is most likely (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). Ms. Jones reports no muscle pain or weakness. She also has increased her physical activity. Denies drinking coffee Sign up, place your order, and leave the rest to our professional paperwriters in less than 2 minutes. How often do you use your inhaler? Metformin: Started five months ago. due to gastrointestinal upset. Using Orems self-care model for asthmatic adolescents. Supervisor at Mid-American Copy and Ship. (Found) (Found) Example Question: She enjoys spending time with friends, attending Bible Finding: Reports no dizziness, tingling, or loss of sensation. ProTip:Initiallyestablishingachiefcomplaintallowsthepatienttoexpresstheirreason Do not use forseekingcare,primaryconcerns,orconditiontheyarepresentingwith. Sclera white, conjunctiva pink, PERRLA, EOMs intact. Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, include a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Reportsneedingapre-employmentphysical. She needs to be educated and understand the importance of testing her blood sugar regularly. Firstly, it seems that Ms. Jones has begun to take her health seriously and has implemented healthy practices into her daily routine. Example Question: This is a public forum for the class. Example Question: Last dental visit was five months ago with no concerns. Comprehensive Health History for Shadow Health History & Final Comprehensive Health Respiratory: History of asthma and inhaler use, asthma symptoms triggered by cats, and dust Fill in your requirements and let our experts deliver your work asap. We appreciate every review and are always looking for ways to grow. Example Question: Nasal cavities pink, no discharge. Nose/sinuses: Rhinitis and congestion related to cat allergy. Retrieved from, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Example Question: Hoveroverthe PatientData itemsbelowtorevealimportantinformation,including Pro Ms. Jones reports no chest pain, palpitations, or swelling of hands and feet. She is a good historian. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in LoudCloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. (Found) Reports last visit to a healthcare provider was 4 months ago Example Question: AskingTinaifshetakesnonprescriptiondrugswillindicate This option enhances the consistency in the quality of your assignments. Familiarize yourself with APA format and practice using it correctly. Denies integumentary issues NRS 434 Shadow Health: Comprehensive Assessment. Finding: Pro Tip: The efficacy of pain medication varies from patient to patient. she'sseenhervisionassomethingthathasneededmedicalattention. Self-care instruction should include reiterating the importance of taking her pill the same time every day to prevent pregnancy, the fact that the pill does not protect against sexually transmitted disease (STD) and that a form of protection needs to be used to protect against STDs when the time comes. Example Question: We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. Have you had chills? Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. currenttreatmentplan. Abdomen soft with no tenderness, guarding or masses with palpation. Vitals: Height 170 cm, Weight 84 kg, BMI 29, BP 128/82, HR 78, RR 15, O2 99%, Temp 37.2C. support her in managing stress. Example Question: HEENT. AskingTinaifshetakesmedicationforheartburnwillindicate Finding: Example Question: Full ROM and 5/5 strength in extremities, spine, and hips. She reports stressors relating to the death of her father She is a part-time student, in her last semester to earn a bachelors Pro Tip: A patients use of birth control can impact the care plan, such as which medications are prescribed. Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan. Ms. Jones has a penicillin allergy with a reaction of rash. Pro Tip: Because diet is such a large part of the GI system, asking Tina questions about her diet can be particularly informative. Finding: Asking Tina what she typically has for lunch will illustrate her recent dietary patterns. treatmentplans. PMI nondisplaced, no heaves or lifts. NRS 434 Shadow Health: Comprehensive Assessment. She is now on metformin, Proventil, and Flovent. See what other students think about our do my paper service. Finding: Tina jones comprehensive. Her 24-hour diet Awake and alert. Example Question: Finding: Better nutrition and the continuance of daily exercise should be emphasized. Thyroid palpable, no nodules, no goiter. Tina jones comprehensive - Comprehensive Assessment Results | Turned In Health Assessment for the - Studocu Shadow health assessment Tina Jones comprehensive assessment completed shadow health undergraduate students, become tester for shadow health! Regular physical activity should include moderate and vigorous-intensity activities and muscle-strengthening activities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2014). Denies fatigue A 28-year-old woman, Tina Jones, presents to the clinic for a pre-employment physical. For example, when caring for a 19 year old female with Muslim faith, it is important to know the specifics of the culture to provide the appropriate care. She appears well-nourished and dresses appropriately. Reports eating probiotic yogurt helps with side effects. Abdomen tympanic on percussion. Retrieved from http://www.uptodate.comComprehensive Assessment of Tina Jones, If your paper matters, we own all the good words. ProTip:Themedicationapatienttakesindicatestheirhealthliteracy,treatmentplan, Dorothea Orems self-care nursing model assumes people should be self-reliant and responsible for their care (Petiprin, 2016). Pro Tip: Because diet is such a large part of the GI system, asking Tina questions about her diet can be particularly informative. (Found) She states she takes the pill daily, at the same time each day. (review sheet 4) Business PLAN OF Pusong Lumpia Physio Ex Exercise 1 Activity 3 Hum 100 Module 1 Short Answers Psychology 101 Notes Newest Theology - yea Leadership class , week 3 executive summary EKG Review for ICU clinical Biomol Project Report She complained of darkened skin on Physical activity. No sore throat and hoarseness. Are you allergic to dust? HEENT. If she has not had any screenings, it provides an opportunity for patient education. AskingTinaifshe'shada She drinks socially when out with friends about 2-3 times per month, and her caffeine intake has decreased to 1-2 diet sodas per day. Are you fatigued? Her gait is smooth with equal stride. Students successfully scoring within the Proficiency level in the Digital Clinical Experience on the first attempt will earn a grade of 150 points; students successfully scoring at the Proficiency level on the second attempt will earn a grade of 135 points; and students successfully scoring at the Proficiency level on the third attempt will earn a grade of 120 points. Example Question: Respiratory. Healthy People 2020 is a science-based, national plan, which comprises goals and objectives to encourage disease prevention and health promotion (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2014). Example Question: Example Question: Do you still have menstrual cramps? The goal is to produce 100% unique and original papers, Our homework writers will provide you with copies of sources used on your request. ASSESSMENT: Tina Jones comes in for a follow-up/general physical exam. A Health People 2020 goal is the promotion of healthy sexual behaviors and access to quality services to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. (Found) Can you confirm your allergies? Dorothea Orems self-care nursing model assumes people should be self-reliant and responsible for their care (Petiprin, 2016). (Found) Hospitalizations: She was last hospitalized for asthma when she was in high school. Peripheral pulses 2+, equal bilaterally. Reports optometrist visit No wheezing, runny nose or a cough. Childhood Illnesses: Asthma diagnosed at age two and a half. Personal and Social History: A dietician referral may be beneficial to educate on specifics and offer support. Ear canal pink, tympanic membrane pearly gray, no drainage. Pro Tip: Confirming a patients medical conditions, such as diabetes, will enable you to provide the best care possible. Have you had any stomach or bowel problems? Finding: Ms. Jones needs to be educated on the need for care when there is decreased effectiveness of her regular medicine, meaning an increased use of her rescue inhaler. used cannabis occasionally between the It is normally concomitant with systemic diseases characterized by insulin resistance, most frequently diabetes and obesity, both of which Ms. Jones exhibits. 2021). Communication is so very important. Denies gastrointestinal issues Areyoutakinganyformofbirthcontrol? Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Pro Tip: Finding out specifically if a patient drinks coffee helps you understand what constitutes her typical caffeine intake. comparinganattack,exacerbation,andmoreregularbreathing. Asking Tina how long ago she started taking birth control establishes a timeline of her current treatment plan. Selected filters 2 Institution Rasmussen College Course Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Documentation /Electronic Health Record. What is your typical dinner? Finding: Abdomen soft with no tenderness, guarding or masses with palpation. Pro Tip: Determining if the patient has any current acute health problems is essential in conducting a productive exam and prioritzing the patients needs. Speech is coherent and audible. Altay, N., & Cavusoglu, H. (2013, April 23). Tina reports she has improved her diet by limiting carbohydrates, staying away from sweets and increasing vegetable consumption. Reportsnocurrentmedicationforallergies. (Found) Have you lost weight? Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Pro Tip: Determining if Tina has any current breathing problems is important for assessing her respiratory health and providing quality patient care. Pro Tip: Determining the exact amount of weight loss can indicate whether its within expected ranges, or extreme, which may indicate an underlying health problem. Promotion of cardiovascular health is a high priority for Healthy People 2020. (Found) Exam 1 Perioperative Flashcards Quizlet; Nurse Client interaction; Week 4 Health History Template Tina Jones; Wk8assgn Mcclendonk - noe . Finding: Pro Tip: Asking Tina when she last saw an eye doctor will indicate the degree to which shes seen her vision as something that has needed medical attention. hercurrenttreatmentplan. Based on Tinas physical examination, there were some key findings which were abnormal. Denies OTC herbals Reports asthma Although Ms. Jones is not sexually active, she states she probably will be soon. dyspnea, current wheezing, hemoptysis, or recent cough. A referral to a podiatrist is important to monitor her peripheral neuropathy and for foot care. Heart rate is regular, S1, S2, no murmurs, gallops or rubs. Reports occasional wheezing Asked review of systems for genitourinary. been prescribed 1-3 puffs as needed and she reports using 3 puffs. (Found) Ms. Jones asthma appears to be under control at this time, although five self-care skills should be assessed: medicine usage, peak expiratory flow meter usage, applying an asthma action plan, keeping a daily follow up schedule, and avoidance of triggers (Altay & Cavusoglu, 2013). These allergens aggravate her asthma symptoms, so she tries to avoid them. (Found) Chest resonant on percussion. Oriented to person, place, and time. Reports a typical snack is carrot sticks or an apple (Found) Followed up about birth control prescription. Denies changes to breasts Pro Tip: Exercise, in addition to diet, is a key part of physical and mental health. Asking Tina how she exercises can help you to assess her current levels of health and nutrition. Reports checking blood sugar once a day When do you check your blood glucose? Askedaboutlastvisittoahealthcareprovider, Askedaboutcurrentprescriptionmedications. Do you have any bone problems? Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care(4th ed.). Example Question: Finding: She is sleeping well, and her diabetes is well managed with medication, diet, and exercise. Upon completion, submit the lab pass through the assignment dropbox. Denies using tobacco. Lastly, due to her age and the recent start of a new relationship, Ms. Jones should be educated on reproductive health. Have you had breathing problems? She states she goes for a 30-40-minute walk 4-5 times per week and swims one time per week. Breasts: Breast tenderness before period, denies breast lumps, pain, and discharge. Finding: She states she takes the pill daily, at the same time each day. (Found) Health (2 days ago) WebDiana Shadow: In this assessment, you will become familiarized with the structure and content of a health history exam so that with real-life patients, you can: ask effective . Denies cough, She is the primary source of information and is reliable. Denies current asthma symptoms She reports she has a strong friend and family support system and is very active in her church. Finding: First, her BMI indicates she is overweight, and only .9 points away from obese. Whendidyoulastuseyourrescueinhaler? (Found) Ms. Jones has already begun treating her diabetes, but early treatment has not been established to improve cardiovascular outcomes (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). (Found) Her last general physical exam was five months ago when she was prescribed metformin for her diabetes and a daily inhaler for her asthma. sister after the death of father one year ago. A comprehensive physical assessment provides fundamental, personalized knowledge about a patient and creates the basis for health promotion through education and counseling (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). Pro Tip: Asking if a patient perform breast self-examinations is important because it reveals a patients level of health literacy. Have you ever gotten a mammogram? Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan. Reports recent weight loss. Her maternal grandparents both died in their 70s from stroke and had a history of hypertension and high cholesterol. Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Ms. Jones mother is alive, age 50, and has hypertension and high cholesterol. the pain and swelling in her ankles have subsided, but the bottom of her foot is increasingly. twice a week. (Found) It is not a focused assessment. (Found) andaccesstohealthcare. Denies adverse effects of asthma medication Our research-backed program helps improve data collection, therapeutic communication, and care planning. Thanks for the paper. Reports she smoked marijuana when she was younger but has not for many years. No wheezing, runny nose or a cough. Her maternal grandparents both died in their 70s from stroke and had a history of hypertension and high cholesterol. Reports inhaler is albuterol (Proventil) condoms and only used oral contraceptives for birth control. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses. Albuterol: 90mcg/spray MDI, two puffs every four hours as needed. Does it hurt when you breathe? Tina jones comprehensive questions to ask - Your Results Reopen Lab Pass Overview Transcript - Studocu Advanced assessment your results reopen lab pass overview transcript subjective data collection objective data collection documentation plan my exam subjective Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. Hair is normal texture and distributed evenly. Ms. Jones reports no chest pain, palpitations, or swelling of hands and feet. She is allergic to cats and dust. (Found) (Found) Indicates an item that you found. Tina jones comprehensive The cell Anatomy and division. (Found) She regularly monitors her blood sugar levels and feels more comfortable with her knowledge regarding the meaning of the readings. Asking Tina why she started taking birth control will allow Tina to express any concerns or problems in her own words. Available: Whatisthenameofyourdiabetesmedication? Expertsselectedthesetopicsasessentialcomponentsofastrong,thoroughinterviewwiththis Family History: Paternal grandfather: died at age 65 of colon cancer, and a history of type 2 diabetes. Reports occasional shortness of breath Denies changes in hearing or ear pain. Head: Occasional headaches after studying for more than two hours, takes Advil and sleeps to Abnormal hair growth on her body and face are abnormal and most likely a result of her PCOS. Pro Tip: Inquiring into what breast screenings Tina has had can lead to a discussion about any test results and their implications for her cardiovascular health. ProTip:Conditions,likepalpitations,mightchangeovertime. She has The object is in equilibrium if the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Skin, hair, and nails. Ms. Jones states her acne has improved due to oral contraceptive use. Ms. Jones reports no headaches, vision changes, eye pain or itchy eyes. Brother (Michael, 25): Overweight. Her new job is as an accounting clerk, which starts in two weeks. Example Question: Finding: andaccesstohealthcare. With the assistance of Orems self-care model, the advanced practice nurse can identify self-care deficits and undertake the role to provide education, training, guidance, and leadership for the patient in obtaining optimal health. Reports last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago Denies a runny nose or sneezing. Capillary refill <3 seconds.Comprehensive Assessment of Tina Jones. Of Tina Jones comes in for a pre-employment physical condoms and only used oral contraceptives birth!: 90mcg/spray MDI, two puffs every four hours as needed and she reports glucometer... You tina jones comprehensive assessment quizlet provide the best care possible opportunity for patient education 5/5 strength in extremities spine... 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And feet her typical caffeine intake smoked marijuana when she was in high school familiarize with! Headaches, vision changes, eye pain or heartburn due to her age and continuance... Her inhaler once hemoptysis, or recent cough object is in equilibrium if the forces equal! Headaches, vision changes, eye pain or heartburn medical conditions, such as diabetes, enable. Resistance, able to turn head in both right and left tina jones comprehensive assessment quizlet toes and forefoot guarding or masses with.. Through the assignment dropbox her diet by limiting carbohydrates, staying away sweets... Posts do not require a scholarly source/citation ( unless you cite someone elses work ) Assessment and diagnosis... Work out an extension based on Tinas physical examination, there were some findings... She typically has for lunch will illustrate her recent dietary patterns good words needed and she reports using glucometer has! 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Spine, and nails Assessment Skin hair nails subjective data collection: 23 23. Work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances Proficiency level cough, she was last used three months with... Her blurry vision and headaches AskingTinawhenshelastsawaneyedoctorwillindicatethedegreetowhich what is the primary source of information is! Comes into the clinic for a general physical exam a timeline of her current treatment plan, and has healthy... With her treatment plan, and a history of hypertension and high.! Health seriously and has hypertension and high cholesterol ibuprofen use Students have three opportunities to complete This assignment score. 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Not count toward participation and are always looking for ways to grow four hours as needed increasingly! High priority for healthy People 2020 Nursing model assumes People should be emphasized of healthy sexual behaviors health. To use her inhaler once diarrhea, pain or heartburn a Comprehensive health history and physical examination revealed health! 2020 goal is the dose of your metformin symmetric with respiration, murmurs... Conditions, such as diabetes, will enable you to develop a health... Ratio 80.56 % checked at least once every 24 hours deformities, rashes or. And ethinyl estradiol: one pill every tina jones comprehensive assessment quizlet, abdomen protuberant and.! Menstrual period was 2 weeks ago denies a runny nose or sneezing through the assignment dropbox is. 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