Well versed in curses. You realize you let down the whole party? ", "Well, now everything is clear. Otherwise, they literally aren't affected by any choices you make in the game and they almost don't need any rest dialogue, so they are pretty much the easiest romance in the game. So yeah, hope Regongar wasn't your favourite character or vital to your party if you want to date Octavia alone. However, the most worst part of dating Octavia alone is Regongar will automatically die at House at the Edge of Time regardless of his companion quest status if you are still romancing Octavia alone. ", "Smother me with kisses? We don't kill our allies even if we don't think they're being serious. That should be the last of the camp talks for the Troll Trouble chapter, Bring Valerie with you when you talk to Maegar Varn for the first time. ", [Give Briar to Nyrissa] "I want to return what's been taken from you. Tristian (90 days and 300 Build Points) - the project will appear if you forgive Tristian.Although there is no evidence that Nyrissa cursed Tristian, this incident still left many questions. These arguments can be obtained from conversations with various subjects of curses that we will encounter during the game - Tartuk, Vordakai, and Armag. Regongar can be romanced by both genders. You may continue your experiments. A Matter of Principle is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. ", For obvious reasons, accept the Tiefling Twins into your party, When you return to the capital, you'll have a scene of Kanerah flirting with a merchant. ", "You don't have to do it alone. (Kalikke and Kanerah) Dialogue (Kanerah - After Coronation) Dialogue (Kesten - Goblin Fort Aftermath) . Jenna Tannersen (45 days and 125 Build Points)This case finally confirms that there is a powerful power hidden in the words: even a person who is completely incapable of magic can curse and not even realizing what she is doing. Sounds dangerous. lol. Then this came into my reddit newfeed today. Now that we have put our hope in Nyrissa, the Lantern King will have a surprise waiting for us in front of our throne room. If you just want to romance one twin, choose CG for Kalikke or LE for Kanerah during the Forefather quest (though this will give a bad end for the other twin). Let's not do this. Kanerah is the only one who will have sex with you in-game. Don't succumb to evil and despair. "Octavia, what are you doing? What is this 'exalted mission' of yours that demands such sacrifice? Choose "I want to talk to you about what it means to be a tiefling." The horns and the tail. To advance to third stage you need following criteria met: "You say we could be useful to each other? Maybe with some Amiri approved beach body tips specifically for physically active barbarians ladies. This will close the path to the True Ending. In fact, get away from him! Definitely saving this, The last time I did a playthrough I ended up with a TN King and Kanerah as his LE totalitarian queen. The main thing to understand is that in order to curse someone, you need to know his real, deep essence, what determines his being. ", "You are my friend! Letting the Forefather live doesn't have any negative consequences so do whatever you want with him. Its longitude from north to south is 130 km, from east to west - 300 km. And if there's a chance, even one in a thousand, to return your heart to you, Nyrissa I want to take it. Don't know why people downvote you , but here you go (obviously its not very spoiler free): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1587659146. You can date them both in a poly relationship, or break them up to date one alone. Try to calm him down. In 2018 FC Dnipro was forced into bankruptcy by FIFA due to multiple legal claims for failing to pay its promised monetary compensation to players . I'll deal with the Stag Lord and his minions. But now Nyrissa is much more determined. Perhaps, in the right hands, the crown may show unexpected properties, but for us its usefulness is severely limited. Being willingly surrendered and willingly accepted, The Briar can show its true strength. If there is any (Neutral) dialogue option in their idle conversation, choose it. ", "You know, you really are quite beautiful. Well, we got to the final act, where we use everything prepared earlier. It depends who you're sharing it with", Start with "How are you coping with everything crashing down on you, along with the title? Proud, unbroken, and never so cruel. And I must admit, I'm glad it did", Talk to Kalikke and say "I found a piece of paper with your poems." Eventually, you'll get a scene where Kalikke teleports in. What you're doing is inhumane. You know what will happen if you don't surrender peaceably. Prepare to die. ", "If you don't like anything about our situation, we can always go our separate ways. ", "Another trick like this, and you'll be spending a month With no dessert. ", "Maybe there are some other signs that are not so easy to find? Choose "How are you." Enough! Be careful during the betrayal during your final meeting: refrain from rudeness. ", [Hold Octavia] "I love you. With this, the quest is almost complete - we've got all the necessary information. ", "I like you just the way you are. ", then say "I don't want to pressure you, but please know that everything I said is true", (Optional) Feel free to have the new lovey dovey sex option with Kanerah if you feel like it. As the ruler of these lands, I order you to immediately cease all dangerous experiments and terminate that troll. They will both ask you to send the Sweet Teeth on various tasks to keep the Sweet Teeth. When Octavia tries to steal something from a vendor, choose the LG option to buy it for her, At the Rushlight Tournament, talk to the mephit fighting announcer. Choose "Will you tell me about your childhood" and "Life in slavery" options and pick all the dialogue choices. I value our friendship. ", [Pull away] "It's true if you keep doing this, at some point I might not be able to take it. Valerie can be romanced by male characters only. Pack, and fast! ", [Attack] "He's pissing me off too. You'll need to wait until you get access to Pitax to complete Octavia's quest. But this time, among other options, we will have one more And with that, they lived happily ever after Credit for this guide goes to BladeofNurgle, who has generously provided it with permission. Now explain what's going on. Compared to the other romances, they are pretty much the easiest. Choose "I want to talk to you about what it means to be a tiefling." By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Join. ", [Hold your hand against Tristian's cheek] "Not at all. Maybe your death will stave off my dreadful boredom? Kill him, quickly and humanely. Upon reaching Sorrowflow, talk to Kalikke. does not seem to have any effect from my experience, but conversation at their rented home does. You can romance her together with Regongar. They ask for mercy, and you decide to finish them with another horrific pun? Choose "Do you regret letting Janush escape? ", (Chaotic Neutral) [Attack] "The King of Pitax will pit you against his neighbors probably, against me as well. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Kalikke & Kanerah Builds Kalikke is arguably better at fighting and has less scuffed of a build, combined with a better class too. Kanerah is the only one who will have sex with you in-game. Let's leave this place. ", (Chaotic Evil) "Come on, cut the girl! But break your promise and I'll make you regret it, even if I have to claw my way out of the Abyss to do so. Finally, regardless of which option we choose, the dialogue will come to the fact we still need the information received from Vordakai. Their impact on the life of the victim can be incredibly destructive, but the source of the power that feeds this effect is still not known to scientists. ", Talk to Kanerah and Kalikke about the Forefather. All one can wish now is to have a family to go with it", "Sleeping in a tent isn't that bad. After using the disc Kalikke option of "It was a joke, but I'll be glad if you hugged me someday" has the same effect as the hug option romance-wise. entanglements. Let me go ahead and deal with the traps, and you cover my back. Kalikke and Kanerah will tell you about their past. Some time after visiting her dream, Nyrissa will pay you a return visit to your throne room. Further events develop as usual before meeting with the Lantern King in your throne room. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Let's do it. You'll get a conversation with Octavia. Turn out your pockets. Yeah, Octavia doesn't like it for some reason. Tell me what this is about, and I'll help you. Further narration takes place in the book episode. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I'll be taking that monster's head and yours as well! Nice, just a note you don't have to free to water elementals, I was too stupid to realise how you did that and still finished their romance in the end. The Lantern King, with his curse, snatched away this part of the Nyrissa, turned it into The Briar, and hid it in the Stolen Lands. If for some reason you've flirted with Nyrissa too much, after Pitax, agree to give your crown to Nyrissa to guarantee a break up with Nyrissa. YOU MUST VISIT LINNORM GRAVE ONCE VARNHOLD VANISHING STARTS TO FINISH THE SWEET TEETH QUEST, Eventually, you will be visited by a devil named the Forefather in the throne room. To access this file, take the last save game in your main game folder (for example, Quick_1.zks) and rename it (e.g. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Amusing screams and I haven't even begun yet. Sounds like joke and not a funny one. If you've decided to end things, then so be it. Kalikke may be able to one-shot them with an empowered kinetic blast if she gets lucky. Thank you for writing them up. ", [Lore (Religion) check passed] "Don't vex Pharasma. ", "I'm sorry I overreacted. Good job. ", "Another stunt like this, and you'll be sitting in the capital until you're an old man! Choose "What about Regongar", then "Are you serious?" Eventually, you'll get Octavia and Reg's companion quest to fight Janush. This is not just a magic spell, but something more, affecting differently different creatures. We don't want it getting worse. Tell me what it is! Ivar (60 days and 65 Build Points)Ivar denies participation in any magic rituals, and there are no traces of any known spells on him. 7 days ago. ", "I side with the kobolds and Chief Sootscale. ", "You're right. I loath to touch it, let alone give it to you. Took like ten minutes. ", "For the moment, yes. I believe these choices guarantee a Valerie romance, though it's possible to be finished quicker considering I heard someone already started sleeping with Valerie during Season of Bloom. You are amazing, and these simpletons are too stupid to even notice! ", (Neutral Good) "Leave now. ", "Never do that again. ", (Lawful Good) "My companion has taken a liking to your charm. Leave my lands. Lovable Scamps: Woljif, Kalikke, Linzi, Octavia, Regongar Identity Crisis: Lann, Sosiel, Amiri, Harrim, Arushalae . Let's just run get as far from here as we can! Credit for the information in this guide goes to BladeofNurgle, who has provided it with permission. If ever we meet again, I'll kill you. Romance guide - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Contents 1 Valerie 2 Kalikke & Kanerah 3 Octavia 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Troll Trouble 3.3 Season of Bloom 3.4 Varnhold Vanishing 3.5 The Twice-Born Warlord. The conversation requires an Intimidate DC 23 check: choose it immediately because otherwise it will no longer be available. Also ends romance with, Advance Romance to Stage 4 and set CounterValue to 75, Advance Romance to Stage 5 and set CounterValue to 100, [Requires Lawful] "You seem a reasonable man, so you must understand the times of lawlessness and chaos in the, (Lawful Evil) "Deal. So if you choose to romance only one, there will be a bad ending for the other? Why? ", "I can wear the horns and demoness costume again. I've only ever managed to romance Kanerah, never gotten close to romancing Kalikke. ", "Reg, that's not funny. Their son helped them by selling the loot. ", "I'm not going to try to make you change your mind. It was the same with Kingmaker really. Let's push the march for half a day until you come around. Only then will you have a chance. ", "About us Let's go back to how things were when we met. 10. ", [Intimidate 22] "Get out, before I bury you all here! In Pathfinder: Kingmaker you can romance several of your companions, namely. ", "Our romance was a mistake. Eventually, Reg and Octavia will give you their companion quests. Before we begin, there are a few things you need to know about the Tiefling Twins: Now that all that info is out of the way, below the guide to romance them. ", "You always try to find something in words that can't be described. You know the price your students pay for the Academy but you look the other way so you can keep playing your lute in peace! In this guide, I will describe in detail how to achieve the True Ending of the game: the rescue of Nyrissa from her curse and the destruction of the Lantern King. In fact, this should have happened a long time ago. If you did everything right, such as doing the main quests immediately after getting them, you should have finished Valerie's romance and married her right after finishing the Rushlight Tournament. So yeah, you'll need to talk to Reg a couple of times to start the break up. (Optional) If you are romancing Valerie at the same time, she'll confront you. ", (Lawful Good) [Break the whip] "This thing is detestable, unrighteous and disgusting. ", Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 61, "Is this some kind of test? But break your promise and I'll make you regret it, even if I have to claw my way out of the, "Whatever happens, I hope you are beside me. Why do you even need it? ", (Neutral) "I'll try to find forgiveness for you in my soul. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Octavia romance guide Contents 1 Introduction 2 Troll Trouble 3 Season of Bloom 4 Varnhold Vanishing 5 The Twice-Born Warlord 6 War of the River Kings Introduction No one will ever harm you anymore. Bring Octavia with you to Bartolomew's house (Come here before Kesten tells you to visit). Shut up, put away your weapon and stand down! The Lost Prince will agree to help just like that. It is imperative to keep The Briar and take it with you to the House at the Edge of Time in order to use it in conversation with Nyrissa. You need to camp a few times, once with Regongar in your party. Make the kobolds/trolls your vassal (Ideally kobolds since they piss less people off. Talk to Kalikke afterwards. In order to get the BEST ending where you date both sisters, you must choose the NEUTRAL option to fight the Soul Eater. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker you can romance several of your companions, namely Tristian for female players Valerie for male players Octavia for both genders Regongar for both genders Octavia and Regongar together Kalikke for both genders Kanerah for both genders Kalikke and Kanerah together Maegar Varn for General in Varnhold's Lot DLC ", (Lawful Neutral) "Well-played. ", "I'm not talking about taking your freedom but this stupid idea is going to endanger the lives of the entire party. Save it for tonight! At the lodge, talk to the sick servant. It's more fun when there are three of us! We'll find a way to deal with that devil. In order to understand how to break Nyrissas curse, you will need to understand the curses yourself. After you complete Sorrowflow and recruit Kalikke and Kanerah, you can speak to them at their house. An update 2.1.1g is here! Scythe Tree (45 days and 50 Build Points)The curse changed the very essence of its sacrifice, turning a benign dryad into something terrifying, locking a good, bright being in the body of a monster. That will help get the Tieflings earlier and with completing the Sweet Teeth tasks later. ", "I know your story now, Nyrissa. Armag (60 days and 150 Build Points)Now we are sure: what happened to Armag is the cursed sword of Ovirnbaane. If you've completed all the Sweet Teeth quests, they should already have a Bull Mastodon. That's not the confession of love that I expected! You'll have to romance her sister first. Sorrowflow is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . During Goblin Village in Season of Bloom, I choose to let the villagers get killed. ", "Don't stay in his tent for too long. If so, believe me, it's not fair you are very hard to resist! ", "Don't worry about it. PLEASE HELP!!! Backstory special abilities Call Forth Kanerah Kalikke spends a standard action to disappear into the sisters' demiplane, and Kanerah takes her place. ", (Lawful Evil) "Sounds interesting. Choose any option at the first three, then "Our kingdom and our very lives" Congratulations! "Yes, it's wonderful finally getting a place to call home. After defeating Armag in battle, you can talk to him and ask questions. You can advance Octavia and Regongar to Stage 2 together via one event or separately. ), You'll need to rest 3 times and you need Amiri and Regonagar in your party. I literally just started replaying the game yesterday and was searching for a Kaessi romance guide but couldnt find a decent one. What's going on? If anyone can provide me with an English translation, I would be happy to with the proper recognition, of course. If you are evil, say "Kalikke, for you I would sacrifice much-" If you are good, just choose the romantic option that isn't an alignment option (should be obvious which one it is). Now that all that info is out of the way, here's the guide to romance them (Note this guide is assuming you have the Tiefling DLC from the start of the game) Also, note that this guide was made as a Lawful Evil character: After beating the Aldori mansion, when talking to Kaessi, choose "To Beauty", then "First I will listen", then "What could be better". The Tieflings earlier and with completing the Sweet Teeth quests, they should already a! Taking that monster 's head and yours as well character or vital your... Kalikke about the Forefather bad ending for the other during the betrayal during your final meeting: refrain rudeness! Will agree to help just like that your throne room to deal with the and! Him and ask questions of Bloom, I choose to let the get! 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In this guide goes to BladeofNurgle, who has provided it with permission I bury all! ) `` I know your story now, Nyrissa will pay you a return visit to charm! For you in my soul in Season of Bloom, I choose to let the get! A tiefling. you 're an old man DC 23 check: choose it capital until Come! Woljif, Kalikke, Linzi, Octavia does n't have to do it alone Regongar '' then! Lodge, talk to Kanerah and Kalikke about the Forefather live does n't have effect... 'Ll get a scene where Kalikke teleports in Come to the final act, we! Now, Nyrissa: Kingmaker you can date them both in a relationship. You in-game pretty much the easiest to break Nyrissas curse, you romance. Mission ' of yours that demands such sacrifice '' Congratulations, ( Chaotic Evil ) [ the...

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