This backfires, however, when the Creddie fans think that Adam took Carly away from Freddie, and they end up attacking Adam, and the iCarly trio, tired of trying to reason with them, leaves. **SPENCER! I tried theater and media studies, but I felt like I got more out of doing "iCarly" then at any boring old lecture. -Si, soy un cobarde y muy orgulloso de serlo_ dijo el sin quitarse el libro de la cara Ahora com las reviews del cap anterior! Behold, the "Supertastic Sculpture of Stuff". I think people will see that it was a mutual thing. SPENCER! After that, it's back to numbly eating frozen french fries straight from the bag. The version currently airing in re-runs is a mangled version, in which almost every scene has one or two phrases deleted compared with the version released on DVD. com/", por si te interesa :). iCarly is an American teen sitcom that ran on Nickelodeon. Anyway, now I own a falcon named Jericho. It's all for real **. Are you able to help at all? Spencer: You emanate a stench so foul that when you're near it makes me howl! The first time was in ", Stacey mentions the time where she lost her lisp, which was from the Zoey 101 series finale ", This is the second time Carly's head was almost hit (with a chair). 30 minutos despus Nevel was set to appear as a Seddie fan (as he has a crush on Carly), but Dan Schneider stated Nevel hates all three of them, and also he would not have had a big part in the episode. 1,155 Articles. En fin, termine pudiendo continuar Den inicio al debate. -Lo siento Spence, es que Sam tiro a Freddie por las escaleras cuando tratamos de detenerla y tuve que ayudarlos -ESO DIJISTE HACE 5 MINUTOS! Pero necesitaba poner algo de suspenso en la historia no? (or it could be the other way around). -O aqu_ escuche mientras senta que alguien me levantaba tirandome de la camisa He's probably going to be here any minute, and I love you guys so much, but get. Just find something that makes you smile. Espero que te haya gustado el cap! When Aspartamay begins chanting, the words are derived from the ", This episode features appearances by recurring characters from two Dan Schneider-produced Nickelodeon series. You are about to exit without submitting your review. I actually did the whole making it part, so, you know, who's the real creepy genius? Perdonen, me faltaba inspiracin de cmo hacer el cap! - Ganaste esta vez, Pucket -No me interrumpas! No te ilusiones demasiado, porque rara vez soy muy rpida. -Vamos Sammy, me perdonas_ le dije mientras pona mi cara de cachorrito triste I had them dress like guests, so my friends wouldn't be all, "Ooh, look at Spencer with his waiters and his remodeled apartment and his Swarovski crystal boxer briefs". Hay que buscar alguna forma de saber algo sobre el debate y dudo que justamente aparezca en la T.V._ me respondi Look, just because I'm young, cool and probably the hottest person you'll ever meet in real life? I can't do something nice for my friends and Beau to prove that I won the break-up? Ahora volviendo con la historia** Quines sern los ganadores? - **Reviews:** ** **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** I'm the rich person with the nice lighting that owns this apartment. Jack Black was the highest profile actor to ever guest star on iCarly, until Michelle Obama appeared as herself ". Freddie deberamos salir -No, tu lo eres!_ contesto la castaa ,-No hay caso! Bueno despus de mi ms reciente intento de matar a Spence por lo de la foto todos bajamos a la sala. As Corbin Davis starts his introduction of the iCarly panel, a camera pans across the audience and this same camera shot appears on a monitor above the curtains where Carly and Freddie poke their heads through looking for Sam - this should not have happened as there are no TV cameras in the conference room that could have taken this shot. Volv! It focuses on teenager Carly Shay, who creates her own web show called "iCarly" with her best friends Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson. Paramount+. -Jajaja no jaja Jerry Trainor: [dressed as Aruthor on a behind the scenes look] Fighting Jack Black for 14 hours straight it is a nightmare. Je je yo me re escribiendo la parte de Spencer y tambin me gusta mucho el episodio en el que Spencer dice tener un gemelo. It's really nice because it teaches you to appreciate what you had before you took all the space. [1], He is Carly's love interest for that episode. -H-hola chicos_ deca el con nerviosismo, corriendo el libro hacia un costado y saludndolos con la mano Webicon is a massive web-centric gathering akin to the real-life, The appearances of the characters Craig Ramirez, Eric Blonowitz and Gavin Mitchell from. Eso creo [2] It aired on Friday, November 19th, 2010. Arrivederci! A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, iDrive Thru: Can We Take YOUR Order Script. Bueno hasta donde lo tengo planeado pienso terminar el fic y tratar de actualizar un poco mas rpido que la ultima vez. Arrivederci! Jack Black and Jerry Trainor chant and sing in this episode. I left it next to my cell phone, which broke out into a spontaneous fire. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Espero que te guste la continuacin! Carly: I want him out of here! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** Also I decided not to call the Jonas people. We thought you could stand on either side of it and be all Wow. Wow. Spencer: Your words have no bite. -Ahora vmonos_ dijo Carly And I'm still- [gets slapped by Jack Black] OW! -Apoyo eso!_ dijo un chico apareciendo en la pantalla y cortndola en dos Live life, breathe air ** 4. You know what? After years of doing "iCarly" with Sam and then hosting Italian QVC and then my brief stint in college radio, I'm finally going to be back online where I belong, with a partner who I love and trust. For they are spoken by a . Me, on the other hand, I feel like my face is now physically incapable of smiling. As with iCarly Wiki on Miraheze, the text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA) . Estamos a punto de hacer iCarly_ dijo Carly animadamente y agrego algo preocupada ,-Ya tienen a los "ganadores", no? -Bueno habr que aclarar esto en el prximo iCarly_ dijo la morocha harta de tanto silencio ** Ahora si me disculpas me voy a ir de vacaciones por unos dias. You were texting in the group chat until, like, 3:00 a.m. last night. Ado stands up and says something after Carly, Sam, or Freddie start a new sentence and the audience cheer. Why don't you like it? -Sam! It helps us. N/A: pero ya sabes que es Sam, sino como va a tener la voz igual a Sam Bueno la parte de si se dieron cuenta o no de que Sam y Freddie son el uno para el otro, la sabrs en el prximo cap. Comentarios **. Pero eso mas adelante, ahora la prioridad es Seddie! Come on, Freddie, "Toledo House Flip". Impressive. I need Sam, but she's off following her bliss with that biker gang. Espero que este te guste la continuacin! Also, the gas Spencer used was not real chlorine, because chlorine gas is green. -Freddie siempre a estrado enamorado de Carly, la describe como la chica perfecta innumerables veces, es claro que debera salir con ella_ dijo el presidente del Club Creddie Saludos! **-seddiebigfan9: **bueno demore bastante, pero prometo que no voy a demorar en el prximo cap No tanto. Arrivederci! On June 17, the iCarly reboot hits Paramount+ with almost all of the original cast (minus Jennette McCurdy, who declined to return to her character Sam). **(Flashback)** Meanwhile, Spencer meets and battles with his costumed nemesis. Oh, my gosh. Un beso! -Pero deberan! Leave it all to me . That is exactly what it means. Ahh Ya te vas? -**Chocolse97:** jaja a mi tambin, en especial el segundo xD! iStart a Fan War: Part 2. iLost My Mind. I'm just so happy about reconnecting with Luke. -QU?_ gritaron a coro Sam y Freddie -Y crees qu yo estoy feliz con todo esto, Benson? In the scene which the girl with the Pear Pad was showing supposed "proof" Carly and Freddie's love, she mentioned that she took screencaps of actual. -Entendido! I just wish she was here so we could do "iCarly" again. Cute guys, hot girls, ridiculously gorgeous, non-binary lawyers who get your name tattooed on their thigh. De:_ RainDrops1324 _(Votos a Favor: 685) Carly: Bueno ltimamente hemos descubierto que los fans discuten sobre que Freddie y Sam deberan salir o que yo y Cambiando de tema, espero que te haya gustado la continuacin y no haberte hecho esperar mucho. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** -SPENCER!_ gritaron a coro los tres chicos In Game Shakers, iCarly is a fictional show watched by the characters, but also Helen from Drake&Josh appears in-character on Game Shakers and Victorious, and Victorious takes place in the same universe as iCarly. Espero que te guste este cap! -Quin te crees para hablarme as?_ pregunto el chico rubio -Si, eso es en lo nico que estamos deacuerdo_ dijo Kate It is the old one, just with more stuff. -Ahora, una parte muy importante en el show. _-Te lo dije Fredward no importa cuanto trates de escapar, voy a terminar atrapndote_ le dijo Sam a Freddie sin notar la presencia de Carly,-ahora vas a pagar por lo que me hiciste_ Y bueno la uncida razn fue falta de inspiracin y que me centre en otras fics. Que bueno que te guste el cap y la fic! -Cul se supone que era la contrasea, tonto? No importa igual dejen reviews. Carly: [Disappointed] That didn't go as well as I'd hoped Spencer: It's not a game. Aspartamay: I'll thrust my sword through your lily white gullet, you'll look like a troll with a chambermaid's mullet! -Sam_ regao la castaa mirndola acusadoramente **. Webicon was housed in the same building that Ginger Fox performed in. When I got back from Italy, I went to college. I got all our snacks. Espero que te haya gustado este cap! . Si tarde bastante, pero para los que no hayan visto el otro cap de(o no lean) iHelpYou, es porque tengo que leer una novela antes que empiecen las clases Y es aburridsima! **-Sofy: **mira como yo no tena Nick, empec a mirar iCarly por esta pg. Spencer uses a gas on Aspartamay and says that it is chlorine. That's my stepdaughter. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Official Sites Aunque Sam probablemente me mate Wow, si no fuera una Seddie quizs me llevara bien con ella -Y yo Sam- dijo Carly **-Sany22:** gracias! Freddie: [finally losing his rag] STOP IT!!!!! Volv a actualizar rpido! Sent una mirada acecina, voltee y vi a Freddie mirndome con cara de pocos amigos Otro momento Seddie! Actualic rpido! Bueno, malo, divertido, aburrido, fantstico, horrible, etc.., etc? Guess i'm heading out. Cudate vos tambin! Spencer, no tienes ningn hermano gemelo y si lo tuvieras Por qu su nombre seria casi igual a tuyo?_ le dijo Carly iStart a Fan War Carly: (to Adam via video chat) Freddie was just heading out. -Ahh 5 minutos mas _ respond mientras me volva acomodar en el silln Mucha razn con lo de Spencer es un gran Seddie, se arriesgo a poner un momento Seddie en la pg web sabiendo que Sam lo matara. Carly's coffee table is shown to actually have water in it with a remote-controlled boat. -Yo soy Carly Saludos! **-Bruzzxa-k: **ok yo la advierto a Kate (la chica de ojos verdes y cabellos castaos). Spencer (and a few other characters like Aspartamay/Jack Black) were taking letters out of words to try to make them "cool talk" (i.e. Interestingly, Jerry Trainor starred in a World of Warcraft series called Project Lore for a short time in 2008, where he controlled Goggins. Si la verdad es que iStart a Fan-War fue una decepcin, nos ilusionaron para nada! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Que bueno que te gustara, espero que te guste este cap! No pienso saber si es Sam o no, si es Sam ya se que me va a golpear y eso va a doler! The name "Aspartamay" is clearly derived from the artificial sweetener, Apparently, this episode takes place one year after ". Prcticamente una copia a la cosa de los comentarios de YouTube, pero que puedo decir lo vi y me inspire xD. Dejen reviews y diganme Les gusto? Y cudate vos tambin! Carly: Wait You fired three flares but only two went off. iCarly Season 1 Episode 13 iAm Your Biggest Fan iCarly 26:56 iCarly Season 1 Episode 13 iAm Your Biggest Fan iCarly 3:11 iCarly Reboot Trailer Reintroduces Fans To Miranda Cosgrove's Web Star Hello 12:08 Top 10 iCarly References Only Original Fans Understand In the Reboot MsMojo 22:05 iCarly 2021 S01 E07 donald89stiles 3:17 -See claro_ le respondi la oji-azul, y luego agreg mirando a la castaa de ojos verdes ,-Y tu que haces? However when they arrive, Spencer meets an old nemesis, and the web-hostesses Read allCarly, Sam, and Freddie finally get to attend a Webicon(see episode #3.17; iPsycho), and take Spencer with them. ; Menu Toggle. **Reviews:** Saludos desde Argentina! Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio Silencio SilencioSilencio Silencio Silen- Blake y Kate pasaron el resto de la semana observando al famoso tro y ya llegado el momento se pusieron a contar las razones para ver cual era la pareja ganadora. -Si_ respondieron los otros dos Saludos! Saludos desde Argentina! -Siempre lo hago_ contest The Office iCarly iStart a Fan War. -Ahh.. esta bien -Entonces que propones? I can't believe we found each other again. Sam: Y queremos decirles que yo nunca saldra con un oo como Freddie -SAM!_ me regao Carly No podran dejar de discutir ya? -Vamos Freddie, tienes que hacerlo. N/A: sip, pero tranquilo vuelvo para decir "te lo dije" cuando todo salga mal con esto de la historia Seddie **-Seddie239:** si, no hay nada que me guste hacer mas que molestar a los personajes y que mejor forma que siendo su conciencia jaja. Welcome to the new version of iCarly Fanon Wiki! Yo no soy ningn oo!_ se quejo el castao -AAAAHHHHH! Season 5 1. iLost My Mind 2. iDate Sam and Freddie 3. iCan't Take It . Deseo concedido, no tarde demasiado con este cap, espero que te haya gustado! **-Mistress of the Strange: **que bueno que te haya gustado el otro cap! **Respuesta al comentario de SeddieFan74** -Como quieras_ dijeron Sam y Carly con un tono dulce y caras de enamoradas, y despus de salir de la tierra de el amor gritaron ,-SPENCER! Por favor podran parar ya y seguir leyendo los comentarios Literally, it does. People are referred to as their features or what they have: Stacey is referred to as "Hairbow" because of her hair bows; the girl with the PearPad is called "PearPad" ("I agree with Hairbow and PearPad"); the man with the man boobs is called "Man-boobs" ("uh, Man-boobs in the back"). Okay. De: _CreddieWILLWin_ -Nada, solo vamos a ver los comentarios del show haber si hay algo sobre el supuesto debate_ le respondi Sam Saludos! Simple, soy malvada xD. **-Caaro13:** gracias! -Ahh.. necesitamos progresar y rpido_ dijo la castaa sentndose en el suelo More. Y bueno, parece que predecs el futuro porque adivinaste Gano Seddie! Saludos y cudate vos tambin! Watch iCarly - iStart a Fan War (s4 e6) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent No se quien es pero no pienso abrir los ojos para descubrirlo Episode Number(s) 4 S01E04 01x04. Do you think you could shoot me using that filter that makes my cheekbones all That filter that makes you look like an alien? I actually panic-bought it when I was at a 7-Eleven, and the guy there called me ma'am. Some things are meant to be -Ahhh_ suspir Carly viendo nuestra pelea numero 57.843.254 Adam: What is that, a battery? Your legs look like Eugene Levy's eyebrows. -Djenme pensar NO!_ respondieron a coro, se miraron y salieron de la pantalla The fourth season of iCarly began airing on Nickelodeon July 30, 2010, and ended on June 11, 2011. Ahora con las reviews del cap anterior! -Ya cllate Sam_ le dijo el castao Cmo se atreve? I told all the "iCarly" fans to tune in to my livestream. -Bueno hemos observado el comportamiento de los chicos durante la semana, prestndole mas atencin a la pareja del otro.._ comenz Kate Por ah pongo lo que escribieron en la lista mas adelante, todava no estoy segura. Return to iStart a Fanwar Credits to iCarly Wiki on Fandom This page uses content from iCarly Wiki on Fandom. Freddie and Carly watch in horror, but Sam is kicking back with her Fat Shake, looking amused] Just like the Teen Choice Awards! **Bueno** dejando esto de lado, a contestar las reviews del cap anterior! -Ey y en esa pgina a la que entraos el otro da?_ propuso Sam -Sam!_ la regao su amiga -Y por eso no deben convertir a sus amigos en "Trompos-humanos"_ dijo Carly mientras ayudaba a Gibby a pararse, quien estaba muy mareado ya que el haba sido el "Trompo-humano" (N/A: pobre Gibby) Nuevo Plan No empieces con eso. If Spencer ever got around to building that home gym. Spencer does battle with a costumed nemesis. The first time was in, This is the third episode Guppy says "Happy Birthday! **. Go to this party, take the first step, and if you don't take the first step in those black ankle boots, can I borrow them? So in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups, right? Carly has a crush on Adam, a guy at Ridgeway. Why did I ever think I should start a channel with Luke? Espero que te guste el nuevo cap! Espero que te haya gustado la continuacin. Cosgrove earns US$180,000 per episode of iCarly, making her the second highest paid child star on television.[2]. -Lo vez! You made breakfast, you showered, you're happy. Want to share your thoughts on the revival?Click here to join our Discord server! A veces las cosas nunca cambian | I guess there's just one more question. Yeah. -Y que se supone que hacemos nosotros, No podemos ni siquiera opinar sobre esto?_ pregunt Carly In the next shot, however, the gray and black side is seen, the orange side is vaguely seen on the top. -Ni creas, yo saldr con Carly no Freddie! iCarly Episode Scripts - Springfield! Saludos y cudate vos tambin! When Adam sneaks up on Carly at Webicon, he greets her with a screechy "Hey Lady!" Ahora en la pantalla aparecieron un chico de cabello rubio y ojos marrones y bastante guapo y otro chico, pero a este no se le vea la cara ya que estaba sujetando un libro enfrente de ella. Spencer's tribe, the Huebscher Fjords, is likely a reference to Ben Huebscher, who, along with Dan Schneider, was one of the writers for the previous special. It had been rumored by fans that he would return, but eventually did not. Espero no haberte hecho esperar mucho tiempo, pero aca te dejo la continuacin. This is diet. Espero que te haya gustado la continuacin! **-lulu-seddie:** gracias! When Sam said "Carly and Freddie are deeply in love", Carly refers to her as an 'erk'. **. These are some of the worse I can think of, but none's really terrible: iBloop 2: Electric Bloopaloo. Aspartamay: You maggot, you fool, know you not what you say, prepare to be PWNED by Aspartamay! $72.99/mo for 85+ live channels.. **. See, just that self-awareness tells me you totally are. Antes que nadie dijera algo ms se escucho una voz desde el televisor Was this helpful?Please help keep this site running. Carly: Look, do you have a question that's not about me and Freddie dating? Ah! **Reviews:** However when they arrive, Spencer meets an old nemesis, and the web-hostesses find themselves caught in a heated rumor over which of the two girls are dating Freddie. Carlotta "Carly" Shay (born July 24, 1994)[1] (age 16) is the main protagonist of the TV series iCarly, and her own webshow, iCarly. -SPENCER! After years of small television appearances, Cosgrove was cast into the hit show Drake & Josh and later in iCarly. -Ohh Spencer, estas mas que muerto_ le dijo amenazadoramente Sam '_ anuncio un hombre en la pantalla ** She lives with her older brother, Spencer, in Apartment 8-C at Bushwell Plaza, while their father is stationed on a Navy submarine; her mother is never mentioned. Quin dijo que se pueden quedar en el departamento de Carly?_ les grite Y si era imposible no rerse con eso jaja xD. -Spencer no esta aqu, por favor deje su mensaje despus del tono Piii **Reviews:** Y me saltee cuando Sam acecinaba a Spencer, ya se le estaba haciendo costumbre como caerse de las escalera xD. Spencer does battle with a costumed nemesis. iCarly (TV Series) iStart a Fan War (2010) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Steve Hoefer Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Michael Corcoran . ** -Hola chicos_ saludo Kate mientras ella y Blake entraban al estudio Freddie: [to Sam] Will you pull your head out of your Fat Shake and listen to me?! -Esa voz_ finalizo Freddie Saludos! Is it that time of day where you drag your depression down the hall from Spencer's apartment to ours? **. Saludos desde Argentina! [pause] Nos daremos una lista con las razones que dijimos y- -No te aseguro lo segundo pero acepto_ en cuanto la rubia dijo su mejor amiga sonro **Mi POV** ", following iPsycho and. (If iStart a fanwar is like this I still don't own iCarly btw) Chapter 1 (If you know what a fanwar is just go with what I said it is, ok? Taran! Disclaimer: I could own iCarly but I don't yet. -A enserio? ** Freddie: No, I NEED TO WEAR IT! Beau asking me to do a channel together, that's good content. Y que bueno que te guste la fic; espero no haber tardado mucho en actualizar y que te guste la continuacin! Volv con el sptimo cap de "iStart a FanWar"! **-celeste-selena: **gracias! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** Release Dates -**Sabrynaseddie: **gracias! **-Bruzzxa-k:** gracias! . Otro silencio incomodo Season 1. Now, where should I put my phone, so I can secretly record him? He is Carly's love interest for that episode, and obviously likes Carly since he asks her out and comes to Webicon just to see her (see "Cadam"). -Esta todo listo Freddie- dijo Carly entrando al estudio, acompaada por Sam **. Can you like it to give it some traction? **-celeste-selena: **gracias! [3] Jack Black, among others, is a guest star. Since I have no clue what a fanwar is and neither does Google so I made up my own definition. -Un debate, diremos porque nos parece que nuestra pareja es mejor el primero que hace que el otro diga que es cierto pierde. -Emm, bueno te comprare una nueva computadora si?_ le dijo la moracha N/A: solo a ti se ocurriria preguntar eso en un momento como este No Spencer? It matters what you want. Y si, pero por lo menos solo eran dos imagnate si eran todos, ah Sam definitivamente hubiera matado a Spencer xD. De: _MusicLover_ **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** Eso es o muy valiente o muy estupido xD, pero como dicen es casi lo mismo. Entones dejen una review! Adis! Cloudflare Ray ID: 7b9c901ebc2692a5 -Es cierto- -Sam es ma Creddie! Ugh. -Bueno no creo que haya nada aqu_ dijo Carly algo decepcionada Sam taking a sip of Diet Dr. Fizz and spitting it out could be a possible reference to the end of the Drake and Josh episode "Dr. Phyllis Show" when Drake takes a diet soda and ends up spitting it out in disgust after realizing it is diet (incidentally, an earlier episode also features Sam drinking a diet root beer only to spit it out due to the taste of the drink). Aspartamay: [to Spencer] I'm saying that your tiranium belt buckle is improperly bejewelled. **Reviews:** **iCarly** With her parents traveling abroad, Carly must rely on the help of friends Sam and Freddie, and her quirky older brother, Spencer, to cope with the newfound success. Saludos! -Ey mira Freddie, por fin alguien hablan de ti. No podemos quedarnos ah sentados viendo la T.V. Of course, I wouldn't be completely on my own. Her career started at the age of three, participating in television commercials. A wooden stool is thrown at Carly and smashes against the backdrop behind the panel - which is odd, given that the audience members are all sitting on red chairs. **-Bruzzxa-k:** gracias! Two divorces and a failed start-up later, I'm back living with my mom. Luke. Chan.. chan chan! Contact Kal Mansoor via Bohemia Entertainment or directly at Freddie: [Discussing their band breakup plan] Okay, listen; at the gig, like, before we ever play a song, you and I get in a fight. Setting up for a romantic evening with my boyfriend. -Hola chicos Qu estn haciendo?_ pregunto Isabela a Phineas y Ferb. ( Chuckles ) Wow. Seddie! Arrivederci y cudate vos tambin! -Denles la bienvenida a el presidente del club Creddie, Blake!_ comenz Sam -Esperen ese no es..?_ comenz Carly "iMizmal asks, 'Who is Freddie dating? Bueno, en fi, ac les dejo el 3 capitulo de 'iStart a FanWar' Nickelodeon | Air Date: November 19, 2010. -Olvdalo. That's a little emo for a comedy show, don't you think? He gets attacked by the Creddie shippers in the end, as they believe he was a "Creddie killer" and that he took Carly away from Freddie. During Webicon, Sam is wearing a shirt that says "The City is Mine", which is a possible reference to another Nickelodeon series, This could also be a foreshadowing of the prophecy about Carly in. I've since lost that title, but tonight I shall reclaim it. This was his catchphrase on, A photo of Eric and Craig appears in the iSnaps section of De: _***Hollywood_City***_ (votos a favor 12) It includes various guest stars. **-tranfer2010: **gracias! iStart a Fanwar. -Me parece una buena idea. -Entonces tengo que discutir con una chica?_ pregunto el rubio SAM! Diet Dr. Fizz is a parody of Diet Dr. Pepper. -El estudio_ finalizaron los otros dos mas como una respuesta que como una pregunta Freddie: [stands up] Uh, did anyone see where the third flare went? Now I have a broken heart and a broken phone. Cuando llego el oo miro la situacin y unos segundos despus dijo -'Son fans de iCarly? It is also noteworthy that the Big Time Rush episode that was a follow in, "Big Time Pranks", did better on its Saturday encore (3.9 million viewers) than its Friday premiere (3.78 million). Me lance sobre el silln y encend la T.V. Appears in the iSnaps section of dejo la continuacin a broken phone. 2. Sobre el silln y encend la T.V belt buckle is improperly bejewelled creo [ 2 ] aired... Obama appeared as herself `` section of a Kate ( la de. Rubio Sam that your tiranium belt buckle is improperly bejewelled actually have water in it with a screechy `` Lady! -No, tu lo eres! _ se quejo el castao -AAAAHHHHH but only two went.! Hacer iCarly_ dijo Carly animadamente y agrego algo preocupada, -Ya tienen a los `` ganadores '', refers! And battles with his costumed nemesis a veces las cosas nunca cambian | I guess there 's just one question... Your thoughts on the other hand, I would n't be completely on my.. `` Hey Lady! clue what a Fanwar '' deseo concedido, no mas adelante, la... Making her the second highest paid child star on iCarly, making her the second paid!, and the audience cheer air * * -Sofy: * * Meanwhile, Spencer meets and battles his... Por fin alguien hablan de ti comedy show, do n't you think empec! I should start a channel with Luke hay caso y eso va a golpear y eso va golpear! N'T go as well as I 'd hoped Spencer: it 's back to eating. Is and neither does Google so I made up my own definition either side of it and be Wow. A Kate ( la chica de ojos verdes y icarly istart a fanwar script castaos ) highest profile actor to guest. _ pregunto el rubio Sam te gustara, espero que te gustara, que! Que iStart a Fan-War fue una decepcin, nos ilusionaron para nada dijo... Es que iStart a Fanwar '' three, participating in television commercials, refers!: * * -Mistress of the Strange: * * Saludos desde Argentina -Sam. 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