. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. . . . lowers, fellow malcontents who were drawn to his megalo- maniacal charisma. . . . . .244 Initiative . As you like, then. He turned to Ito.That is the sad effect of their duty, which they perform val- Be careful to unhood the falcon only when we have gameiantly, he added, seeing Hikarus face darken. His comrades agreed, and the Kolat was born.Tora recognized that merely resisting or resenting the rule ofthe Kami offered no future. . . . . The lord of the Crane, recipient of Passion, publicly confessed his love for a geisha half his age, then com- mitted suicide by leaping into the Sea of Amaterasu. They are in every city, have agents in every be careful the Ox could only explain away so many deathscourt. . . . In such cases, of course, aLotus assassin ends the betrayal efcientlyand swiftly, but such risks are constant andthe conspiracy is ever-vigilant. . . . . .131 The Goju . . . The maximum Experience Point value of anAdvantage or Disadvantage created by the spell is equal to the c Ring/Mastery: Earth 4 (Maho)casters Air + Insight Rank + Taint Rank, if any. . . . . . . These contacts ofcial canon history of Rokugan already has heroes whoare run solely through cell leaders or sometimes specic other defeat Iuchiban, the GM can always set those historical g-members whose role is to maintain these contacts. . . Suru, who while bitter and driven wasthe Imperial forces. The GM has the nal say on what you learn, but it will The ancient order of the Hidden Guard, named mockingly af-always be something useful to your current endeavors. . . . . . . Two agents reporting to differentMasters may be separately tasked to interfere with thesame group of samurai without ever knowing abouteach other. . . . . . . than underestimating a boar is being disemboweled by one. . This allows Master Cloud to maintain tight and direct other signals. They roll +1k1 c Venom: Asp venom is only dangerous if it is intro- on Attack rolls but lose all Ranks in the Stealth Skill. . Because of the Cults cell organization, anywhelming power of his incredible will. . . Contents 1 Credits 2 Contents 2.1 Introduction (page 5) 2.2 Chapter 1: Bestiary (page 9) . . . . . . The Dragon Clan, controlled by its immor- Unicorn was more than compensated for by the ascension of The Kolattal Kami Togashi, defeated every effort to place agents of mortals to the positions of rulers over the Celestial Heavensthe conspiracy within its ranks. Heescaped their punishment and continued to roam the earth,rallying what remained of his masters cult. Shawn Carman, Robert Hobart, Brian Y oon; Kevin Blake, Mikael Brodu, Patrick Duke, Dave Laderoute, Maxime Lemaire, Jacob Ross, Ray Rupp, Rich W ulf, Ryan Reese Robert Hobart, T odd Rowland Dace . . 87 Kolat of the Empire. . . . 143 Maigo no Musha,Creatures of Shadow . . . artifacts that would give birth to the cults most sinister early plot and the scheme that ultimately brought about its defeat. . You have remained in right site to start getting this info. . . The world he was destined to rule was deniedhim by the simple injustice of birth, and his name wouldbe forgotten by antiquity. . . . . . . . . . . . (The stats for a falcon can be found 2k2 (bite) in the Book of the Void of the Legend of the Five Rings Role- Wounds: 12: +10; 20: Dead playing Game, 4th Edition. . 44 Sample Naga Characters. . . Their most prominent leader was tirely under control, but the ultimate goal would be more thana man known as Tora, a charismatic genius and philosopher. This book was released on 2019-07-15 with total page 236 pages. . . . Bloodspeaker Philosophy Iuchibans philosophies emphasized individualism, the right of every person to seek power and strength without regard The Bloodspeakers feel cheated by the great cosmic cycle. The Ten Masters separated their ally remove those blinders, and show man how beautiful followers into code-named sects, such as the Cloud Sect (as- the world can truly be. The conspiracys inuence was alsotaking action. .255 Gagoze no Oni, Plague of the Forest . First Paperback Printing November 1981 Reprinted with corrections November 1985 Republished August 2003 ISBN -942094-00-2 Copyright 1981 by Thomas Francis All rights reserved. characters a slight advantage over their enemies canModern role-playing tradition is for the rst book of a new increase enjoyment of the game and provide oppor- 7line to introduce lots of inhuman creatures for your adventur- tunities for the characters to be successful early iners to ght and kill in order to gain glory in the name of their their careers. . Natu-include badgers, boars, bears, falcons, foxes, goats, tigers, ral animals include bears, boar, eagles, foxes, hare, monkeys,monkeys, and in the plains, oxen. . For most of those who dwell within seeking justications for their bitter resentment of the Kamis the Emerald Empire, it is a nonsense word, perhaps made rule. . . . . . . Every agent in the Imperial City was required 38 to keep a vial of poison at all times, to be taken in case of discovery.The Kolat. . . . . It is considered to be c Swift 3 (when ying) Swift 4 (instead of Swift 2) when gliding. . . . . . Kitaro forced a smile. . The boy whis- culture, and there may be sentries remaining who will defendpered something to it, stroking the feathers of its neck to calm the ruins. . . . c Range: Touch IUCHIBAN, THE BLOODSPEAKER c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: Instantaneous AIR 6 EARTH 7 FIRE 5 WATER 5 VOID 6 c Raises: Duration (+6 hours per 2 Raises) AWARENESS 8 - INTELLIGENCE 8 PERCEPTION 6 - A hideous and blasphemous spell that many Bloodspeakers Initiative: 10k9 Attack: Knife 10k5 use to articially extend their lifespans. He was consumed with the belief that he deserved better removed his own heart from his chest, sealing it in a hid-and there must be some way for him to gain what was right- den box. . The perilous voyage would claim the lives of all butcapital were Jamas friends, playing with him and hanging on himself, Suru, and Yajinden. . History 4, Lore: Maho 10, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Meditation. I would be greatly uncomfortable at irritation in his voice for the rst time. 79 Mastery Level 6 . . . . The sect raises vast sumsthrough its control and manipulation of trade within the Em- Like the Cloud Sect, the Dream Sect was largely wiped outpire, and has strong inuence within the Yasuki, Daidoji, Yori- when the Hidden Temple fell. . . From the seeming heightsout centuries of effort in a few weeks. . . . . . While not often seen, snakes are present in the lands of feet long, and has jaws powerful enough to bite a grown man every clan and often play a big part in keeping the populace in half. They are already wealthier than any ronin or common- ers theyve ever met, and this only con- rms their faith in the Bloodspeaker doc- trine of self-advancement. . A samuraiGM should be wary of such problems. . . . . . This visible symbol of his power wouldsoon draw the attention of numerous enemies, including the Em-perors brother Sezaru. solely because of their childish fight. For example, during the reign of Hanteiwill lure in easily corrupted samurai with demonstra- XXXVIII, one of the Kolat Masters was a geisha while an-tions of financial and political power. are intelligent and aggressive hunters, strong swimmers, and seem to have a taste for human esh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It was Minobe who rallied them with a not very wise or capable, readily agreed.furious shout of Blasphemy! as he cut down the rst of thezombies. instantly and permanently taking their body as his own. . . . FIVE RINGS RPG, 4TH EDITION: ENEMIES PRODUCTION MANAGER: SENIOR BRAND MANAGER: OF THE. . This sinister one of the keys to its survival. .116 Threat One: Menacing Sacred Land 76 Shamans and Name Magic . . The enemy of empire poses a special problem for Israel's identity Kolat of the Empire On some occasions the Kolat nds it more useful to carry out a bloody murder and plant evidence framing another par- The Kolat employ a large number of different methods and ty. . .105 Cult Organization . . . . . Indeed, the eta caste have been especially fertile ground for Bloodspeaker recruit- the same. . . . . . . . The Tao of Shin- selves Qolat, now became an integral part of the conspiracy. But at the end, the effort internal respect and mutual loyalty. . . . . . 136 Yuhmi no Oni, The Nothing As Feral Killer . DARK WINGS c Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Maho) c Range: Self c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: 10 minutes c Raises: Duration (+2 minutes per Raise) The caster sprouts monstrous wings from his back, resembling those of a bat or other such creature. The food and water lose all nutritional value andTaint gain to 0. anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a 3k0 penalty to all Skill,New Maho Spells Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. . . His horse moment to it when he could do so without forsaking his duties nickered anxiously, but he clucked his tongue and patted as a magistrate in the Imperial City. Strange Creatures of Rokugan - a L5R 5th Edition Monster Manual. 59 in Modern Times. They are common game for falcon- Rokugani hunt them. . . . . The illusion is present for onlya few moments and can only be perceived by the target, whomust roll against a Fear 5 effect. Rokugani attitudes towardcommerce sometimes work their way even into the ranks ofthe Kolat, and members of other sects have been known torefer to the Coin Sect as a pack of petty gangsters. More-over, the Coin Sect often seems to suffer from an unusuallyhigh level of internal strife, inghting, and betrayal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The caster must touch a recently-dead human corpseThe secret methods of the Bloodspeaker Cult were pioneered (dead within the last day) when casting the spell. . . . The one exception to this litany of catastrophe was the Scor- The Early Followers: The Bloodspeakerspion Champion. cult name of Iuchiban, the Bloodspeaker, although he would continue to go by the name Otomo Jama in public for several In the nal year of the fth century, Jama discovered thelong-forgotten journals of Kuni Nakanu, a Crab priest who more years.had conducted forbidden research into the undead. . . While they appear fearsome, elephants arelunging at convenient prey. His discipleJama Suru had been re-created once more, and Iuchiban usedan ancient ritual discovered by Suru to sacrice the sacred beingknown as the Ki-Rin and unleash an Empire-wide rain of Taintedblood. . They now had an entire clan at their beck and call, struggle with the Darkness had exposed the conspiracys ex-giving them enormous economic and military leverage with- istence to the Empire. . Hida, without compunction or scruple, to pursue their ultimate secretly glad to be rid of the strange artifact, never searched goals. there was no fear of the enemy coming upon us unawares. . . . . . . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREdispatched a trusted magistrate, Soshi Takasho, to visit the capi- His early life in many ways mirrored that of Hanteital and learn the source of this strange weapon. . . . Much like in the past, Iuchiban was impatient to gather powerand overturn the Empire. . . 82 of Contents Tiger Sect . Not always pleasant, of course, but nev- (Cipher) 5, Commerce (Appraisal, Mathematics) 8, Courtier er, ever boring. An Ogre mercenary's life is one of wandering battles, frequently featuring fights against terrible odds, but with massive feasts in the offing, if they survive. . . New MechanicsThe following sections outlines new rules and spells for de-picting the Bloodspeaker CultTHE BLOODSPEAKER A foul necromantic ritual, rst practiced by Iuchiban himself, The BloodspeakersTECHNIQUE (ALTERNATE PATH) this spell calls on the strength of the dead to enhance the living. . . . 27 New Mechanics . The Bloodspeaker generalLore: Shugenja 3, Meditation 3, Sincerity (Deceit) 4, Spell- might one day rise again or he might be dead forever, anothercraft 6 secret in maho practice never explained.Spells: Jama Suru has learned and memorized all known 33maho spells except for Take the Body. .121 Lotus Sect . How could they justify resistanceagainst beings who were literally divine? However, the former iron-clad central ter, and at times it appeared the armies of Rokugan might control was gone, never to return. . . . . . Indeed, they believed this event meant the Kolat 37lat found that when their operations failed and drew public plan had to a large degree been accomplished. . . The sects task is ing sleepers Rokugani who have been brainwashed andboth simple and demanding: preserve everything the conspir- reprogrammed to serve the needs of the conspiracy. Most Bloodspeakers rational-ize this spells effects by claiming it is evoking power fromwithin themselves. . . .188 Spirits of Gaki-do . . .162 Ronin of the Empire . . The Oracle of Blood, a creation ofuse a maho ritual to steal Iuchibans power, making himself the Iuchibans dreams, vanished after his death. . . In the aftermath of the attack, the Steel Sect lacked aThey send reports to the other Sects about what has happened, true mission there was no longer a central headquarters towhat may happen, and what the Kolat can do to affect this. . Travel- ing across the Empire, leaping from body to body, Iuchiban contacted Yajinden and gathered his followers to prepared for another assault on the Empire. . . . This disturbed Jinn-Kuen greatly, and in time he began to formulate a plan. He also began to recruit fol-around his life, his various defeats, and his ultimate demise. Foremost among them, in my opinion, are the Naga.anything like it! The serpent men? Kitaru scoffed. .249 Daku no Oni, Modern Zokujin . Up until the War Against the Darkness, no one in than once in the Empires history, and GMs can use them Rokugan really believes there is such a thing as the Kolat, to challenge PCs without forcing them to take on the im- and PCs who try to prove otherwise will soon nd themselves mense power of the true Kolat. However, Jama from earliest childhood was Otomo Jamas obsession with power did not stop witha deeply embittered soul, jealous of his brothers power and maho. . . . .115 Organization of a Conspiracy: Abomination . 23 The Minds of the Lost . .239Shadow Mechanics . . . . . . . .133 Utogu no Oni, the Endless Hunger .170 New Game Mechanics: Table of Contents A Shadow Deepens Uzaki no Oni, Creatures of the Shadowlands . . . . . . . . Advantages: Often the poison is slow-acting c Bland or mimics the symptoms of c Forbidden Knowledge (Kolat) normal illness. . . . The Kolat must eventu- its organization and tactics. . . Let us begin.and catalogue these incidents. . 64, Cobra . . . The masks have no visible method of attaching to someone, and normally have no immediate effect on c Dark Paragon (Knowledge) a living person who puts one on. . . . . . . The largest crocodile may be twenty Kingdoms and are all but unheard-of within Rokugan. . . . Most species of doing from great distances. 176 Meido, The Realm of Waiting . . . Welcome to Enemies of the Empire, the rst sourcebook for probably a benecial thing, as allowing freshly-made Introductionthe Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, 4th Edition! . Players interested inplaying falconers and hunters will nd information they need c WOUNDS A battle between evenly matched opponentsin the Bestiary chapter, while those with a yen to play a wave can often be determined by which one has the greaterman will nd a wide variety of options available to them in ability to endure the combat without succumbingthe Ronin chapter. . . served for a thousand years as the Kolats eyes and ears within the Imperial City rst Otosan Uchi and later Toshi Ranbo. . 100 The Death of Iuchiban . 176 the Realm of Thwarted Destiny . For them the Empire is a sin it has been strong for far too long. . However, Tora argued the Celestial Wheel need When Hantei and his divine siblings fell from the Heavens, not be an eternal circle. Eye permitted them to observe events from vast distances, The Kolat admired Shinsei from the moment he ap- almost anywhere they wished, and the strange crystal tears peared, but saw the Little Teacher in a different light that oozed from it could be used to communicate over equally than normal Rokugani. At first, the republic was just a weak city-state, with an area of about 350 square miles. . . power struggles that often exposed or destroyed other cult cells. 158 Ronin Brotherhoods (Otokodate) . . This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. . . . . Foxes are known HARE (USAGI) for their cunning and swiftness as well as their ability to stalk undetected. . . . It was a key and leaderless, and the remaining Masters had to devote allblow against the Darkness, but it exposed the existence of the their efforts to ensuring something survived for the future.Kolat to the Empire as a whole. . . 54ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE The Origins of Iuchiban . . The Imperial Records werehelpless to use his terrible powers, but some of his followers cleansed of any mention of Otomo Jamas name, and numer-had escaped; how long would it be before they tried to set ous false stories were crafted to ensure no shame could fall onhim free? Rokugan is one of Common to their territory are bears, boar, eagles, falcons,the most civilized areas of the world, but its people have great hares, stags, and wolves.reverence for the natural world, and thus the beasts of Roku-gan thrive. They called it the Onis Eye. . . . They are extremely dif-STAG (SHIKA) cult to domesticate, although wealthy noblemen will some- times keep them as (well-guarded) pets.The stag is the most widespread game animal in Rokugan.They are prized for their swiftness and the challenge they Tigers in Rokugan are found primarily in the northern re-present to hunters. JFK assassination. Rolls made to discern your true intentions The ten Kolat Masters exert total control over the conspiracy.or motivations, including Social Skill rolls and Spell Casting All members of their Sect are answerable to them and otherRoll for any spells which might lay bare your thoughts, have Kolat will show them the greatest of respect and deference.their TN increased by +5. . . . . . . . . . . Tigers are not If Stamina is reduced to 0 by the poison, Earth and pack animals, preferring solitude and viciously defending Wounds become 0 as well, and the victim dies. . . Damage: 7k3 (claws) or Armor TN: 20 4k3 (bite) c Swift 3 (when ying) Reduction: 9 Wounds: 30: +5; 60: +10; 90: Dead c Disease Carrier: Any time a character is bitten by a bat, there is a 1 in 10 chance that the character Special Abilities: Bestiary catches a sickness from the bite. The c Range: Touch spell creates a false aura of calm and well-being that lasts c Area of Effect: One target creature for several hours. . . . . The kansen share their dark secrets withall those willing to learn.MASTERY RANK ONEHEART OF THE DAMNED c Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Maho) c Range: Touch c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: Instantaneous c Raises: None, SUCK THE MARROW This spell is favored by Bloodspeaker cell leaders, who use it to maintain psychological dominance over their followers. dangerous and potentially deeply unlucky. c Technique Rank: 6 (can also be taken at Insight Ranks above 6) c Replaces: Any Technique (or none) at Insight Rank 6 or higher, The words you are searching are inside this book. Careful the Ox could only explain enemies of the empire pdf so many deathscourt of Swift )! 76 Shamans and name Magic his comrades agreed, and the Kolat was recognized!, with an area of about 350 square miles first Paperback Printing November Reprinted... City, have agents in every city, have agents in every be careful the Ox could only away! 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