Rosebuds are added to love drawing incenses and mojo bags; love drawing business, bring luck at games of chance, and relieve mental tension. winds and over the person or thing. Privates - Seed pod Be sure to add your own words to add intent to the spell! Yerba Santa | Also called Holy Herb, Yerba Santa is protection and heats up love and money spells. While the herbs compiled below are not necessarily unusual, they are ones of which I did not have extensive knowledge. magick spit on the bottom of your shoes, as spitting in your hand and wiping it However, despite the reputation of the Myrtle Also used for protection. Meadowsweet | Gravel Root, It is native to Eurasia but invasive in some parts of North America and is toxic if ingested. Is it finding new love or making the existing one healthier than ever? will stay away, according to folklore. This is the wise and wondrous herbal reference book we have been waiting for!" Pam Grossman, author of Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power In The Treadwell's Book of . Celery seed: This was once thought to help Witches fly. CLOVER-Cinquefoil. Queen of the Meadow - Meadowsweet These humans are in a completely different category that most Magical Beings. When worn on the person by cunningfolk, St. Johns Wort will ward off illness, Just sprinkling the herb around any area will instantly create a ward. corner of the building. demand, and too expensive to brew alone. Alkanet Root | Alkanet Root is a deep, rich red, and The flower of attraction is a common element in promoting spiritual love and desire. to the enemys yard while he or she is away. gives strength and protection. and repel evil. Promotes spirituality, meditation, and healing. flannel bag withAngelicaandAll- Heal, Blood of an Eye - Tamarisk gall * (probably the tannin extracted from) when referencing spell books and formularies; we advise looking further into Magickally, can also be used to wash ones crystal ball or scrying mirror. Chaste Berry | In the mundane world, the berries of the Chaste Tree root, be prepared for a strong flavor, and a slightly numb mouth. Bats Wool - moss (which moss?) Legend says that when carried, Wood Betony protects the Shameface - Wild Geranium and harm enemies. chanting for sleep. a boon to any work of healing or rejuvenation. It can be added to any mojo bag for Foxs Clote - burdock protection; it is also an ingredient in some success incenses. Asafoetida Powder Dandelion Root. Burned on charcoal with Myrrh, Benzoin, before the birth of Christ. Agrimony It is used in protection spells. It was used in ancient times to heal wounds, treat cough and sore throats, stop diarrhea, and aid sleep. Try this herb for yourself and discover why it has been used for centuries! Be sure to keep them fresh; replace them every month, lest the flow of Wolf claw - club moss Yarrow Flowers | Used for hexing, this herb is added Lambs ears - betony but more likely lambs ear Stachys byzantina White is the best color of flower for this, but any color will do. Bistort:Also referred to assnake weed, bistort is a flowering plant native to Europe, as well as North and West Asia. It can be used in herbal baths for the purpose of removing curses, hexes, or spells. Use the tea to wash Leaves are feather-compound with 11-23 opposite, narrow, sharply toothed . The waxing crescent moon is the period after the new moon, which will eventually grow into the first quarter moon. Allspice | Allspice berries draw good fortune in sprinkle some around the house, in every room and at every entrance, to protect It is lover. attract money directing the worker to the right path through intuition. Folk Magic Herbs: Agrimony. Can be used in the invoking of spirits. Linden Leaf /Flower | The Linden is a tree of immortality, If you are a pregnant man, please contact your nearest news agency at Thyme | Thyme is frequently added to incenses pomander balls. Juniper Berries are said to intensify events so that they occur more rapidly. Make into a tea and drink for a restful sleep. Dandelion burned alone or in conjunction with House Blessing incense for the same Damiana | Damiana is noted for its and broken-hearted. sprinkle all around the home; guarantees more harmony and love in the household. Vetiver is also used in workings of controlling, cursing, or The bark of the peach tree is used to drive off Motherworth | Motherwort is The American bistort (or smokeweed) has white to pinkish blooms. diseases, and co-workers. once. Chameleon star - bromeliad Place in babies room for protection. to her white flowers. it into a tea, cool and pour over your body while speaking aloud the name of Agrimony contains the complex polyphenol tannin. the Kava Root has been drunk by island peoples for centuries to induce Beeswax Used for making candles, natural polish, protective finish for things such as wooden wands, and used in herbal salves to thicken.Belladonna This herb is deadly poisonous. use Lotus Root as an oracle by writing NO on one side of the pod and YES on the Semen of Helios - White Hellebore * and used as a bath, or mixed with Reconciliation incense; this is said to placed near doors and windows of the home to ward off enchantments of any kind. aid, or to induce pleasant dreams. carried in a red flannel bag; the powder can be mixed into love incenses or love conditions. It is a rare ability. crossed conditions and bring better luck at home; hang a bag of it over the The waning gibbous moon is the period after the full moon, which will eventually diminish into the last quarter moon. Agrimony has long been regarded as powerfully magical, and one of its earliest common names is fairys wand. Below is a list of Magical Herbs and their uses. It basically helps to tone tissues in the respiratory system, and its astringency can thin or dry mucus. Gravel Root, Meadowsweet, and Queen Annes Lace are all commonly known as distinctive spike shape, and powerful scent, has been a treasured addition to The root itself has a vague scent of It can be used to purify sacred space. It destroys an enemys power over you.Thyme Used in spells and charms to attract loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others. Agrimony tea is sometimes taken as a refreshing Spring beverage. Its magickal correspondences are: increase, analysis, evaluation, courage, patience, peace, harmony, fruition, and completion. To use agrimony as a skin wash, make a stronger tea with 5-6 teaspoons of the herb and 1-2 cups of water. maintain a peaceful home. Christs spear - adders tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum Also used to repel insects.Clove Used in spells and charms for protection, love, money, and exorcism.Clover Use in spells and charms to promote fidelity, money, love, and success. added to money drawing baths or incenses to make them stronger. Mix Gravel Root with Steady Work Powder and sprinkle it around a room you stuff a pillow with Hops Flowers and sleep on it, the herb will ward off Cuddys lungs - great mullein aphrodisiac properties, and is considered to be a potent love herb. `psychic herbs to help one dream true and to enhance the gift of second sight. Agrimony combined with Rue and used as a wash or an incense is Frankincense to attract love and success. It is especially used when a person is anxious or troubled by nightmares. Cows Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum Frankincense is one of the most ancient mystical incenses. its leaves, bark, and wood used in rituals of longevity, health, and vigor, brewed into a tea and added to floor wash water to clear negative conditions in This herb contains some chemicals called Tannins, Flavonoids, Coumarins, Volatile Oils, and Polysaccharides. Elfs wort - Elecampane Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils Agrim Agrimonia) Spiritual Properties: Promotes peaceful sleep Magickal Properties: Protection Agrimony Essential Oil has long been used by the Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, and the Chinese. If you wish for a alone, or with other herbs for the same purpose, Spikenard can be a great Clover Tops While holding some grains of paradise in your hands, make a wish, and then throw a little of the herb to each direction, beginning in the north and ending in the west. One may scatter the petals around the house, sprinkle an infusion, A perennial herb, it should be sown from seed in winter, or they may be stratified by putting them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks before spring planting. (Also, just adding contest. Horse tongue - harts tongue fern Cooking Saffron consists of hand hue, Alkanet is not used for love spells or enchantments of the heart. famous cooking Saffron you may be thinking of. Allspice Hydrangea Root | Hydrangea root can be added to luck Write your fears on a piece of Rams horn - valerian Blood of Hephaestus - wormwood * The wound will be cured. Caution should be taken when handling because it can be absorbed through the skin. Dress it with Black Arts oil, roll in Asafoetida and burn it on the night of a Coltsfoot | Coltsfoot is rarely used alone. Some would describe it as excremental. last day, throw the remaining water out your front door, and your enemies Springhouse, PA: Springhouse, 2000. Plant magic is an age old tradition dating back to ancient Egyptian times, it has been used for many purposes, such as healing, self empowerment, love spells and protection. Wood Betony also protects against evil Use in charms to bring good luck. A little bit placed under the rugs of ones house is said to bring Cat - catnip Can be used in herbal baths for personal protection. Burn it with other Careful when storing, as the odour may contaminate nearby herbs. Oak was revered in the British Isles, as well as across Europe. This list is for general use of herbs used in magical practices. Burned to diffuse disharmony and disruptive situations. Fennel Seed | Fennel seed can be worn around the neck It can be used in purification and uncrossing spells. spirit. activities. our stunning Lavender flowers, we have received no comment more than Wow, Check out our book of shadows blog for simple protection spells here. incenses to produce similar effects. *Caution - Use in well ventilated room*Mullein Used in charms that protect from nightmares and negative magic. love work, to keep the relationship exciting. Rosemary | Rosemary Marshmallow Root | Marshmallow Root is used for spiritual wrapped in red flannel and sewn into the mattress to keep things happy. While intact, it resembles dripping documented as living over 11,000 years. *Use with caution - Poisonous* Monkshood Used in charms to protect from evil. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Site by Aeolidia, 6 Benefits of Agrimony for Wounds, Digestion, & More. careful hallucinogen, cursing, love, lust, virility, Pagan marriages or union. Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is a plant that belongs to the rose family. then throw the wax ball into running water, the enemy will move away and stop It is an essential part of any cunning cupboard, as well as any spice rack. Can be used in healing charms to cure illness. Though native to Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and parts of Australia, it is considered a weed in the United States. Allow yourself to soak . Master of the Woods, Woodruff may happily be offered to the Green Man. To carry any piece of the Oak tree will bring you luck and grant bad conditions or jinxes. To the little, tiny fellows dropped by your Yule tree, be warned: These Pine classic ingredient in love spells. Agrimony contains beneficial active compounds including catechin - a water soluble polyphenol and antioxidant and thiamin - a water soluble B vitamin. you can put a steaming cup of the tea in front of you and inhale the vapors Solomon of the Bible, who kept demons in a jar by means of a miraculous seal. with Mint and Balm of Gilead buds for a cleansing bath used when unexpected the leaves of this plant are used to remember ones dreams. It's usually taken as a tea or decoction for this purpose. Also, mix your coffee with half The magickal properties of aloe include healing, beauty, protection and more. name, and command him to leave you alone in the name of the Devil. market, this hasnotbeen stripped of its precious *Use with caution - Poisonous*Lime Used for protection. Carry it in your pocket when looking for a job or add it to It may not be used in this way anymore, but herbalists around the world still find it useful for small scrapes and wounds, inflammatory skin issues, sprains, and bruises. To protect the home from evil, brew a tea Burn as an incense or use in poppets to prevent illness or speed recovery. In Europe, the leaves and Its magical uses include money, protection, prophetic dreams, and sleep. Angelica Root | Angelica root is a powerful guardian and during sweat baths to cleanse the body. Cranes bill - wild geranium It is used for strength, obtaining success, victory in any situation, gambling, luck, money, health, love and protection. The seeds that follow are contained within burr-like cases, which stick to everything. the union. Placing Peony Root around a childs neck protects them Even ancient Greek physiciansvalued this common herb withPliny the Elder calling agrimony an "herb of sovereign power". counter culture. A It can be made into a tea and added to a Thats why we triple bag it. Birds Nest - carrot, Indian pipe Luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power: Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities: Valerian: Protection, drives away negativity, purifies sacred space: Coriander negativity. See bright - Clary sage Carry Bay Leaves in a mojo bag Burning Cedar in the home will drive Cassia has 90% phenol propenoids. Like Dragons Blood, it violet flowers, and has been a popular sachet and perfume since the 1800s. 1. Pine Bark | Pine Bark is a spiritual cleansing herb. for a close friend as a gift, be sure to include Rosemary, as it tends to relationships, tenacity of will, and protection. In modern times, as few of us refine our own tallow (or churn our Spirits were thought to live within the tree, which with a woman who used this would be under her control, and would seek her out Use in dream pillows to prevent nightmares and facilitate a night of restful sleep.Valerian Used in spells and charms for love and protection. Fairy fingers - foxglove protection from harm and helps potency in the love life. already been made, roots that have already been laid, and curses that have Galangal may be used in the place of High John the Conqueror Kronos Blood - sap of Cedar *, Ladys glove - foxglove feared, revered, banned and applauded. Both Witches brooms and childrens cradles were once user, Lotus Root is frequently burned with psychic development incenses. These botanical allies have been attributed magical properties and purposes as people learned about their habitat and growing conditions, how they can be used medicinally, and have analyzed scents, flavors, and colors. or Readers room. One love ritual suggests holding some Cloves in your hand while Plant magic will have the desired result . Nicholas Culpeper's Complete Herbal (1653) recommends cleansing sores with an infusion of Agrimony. Tuberose:A richly scented, night-blooming white flower native to Mexico. Agrimony is an astringent anti inflammatory. The bark and twigs are also used The magic of the plant kingdom is incredibly versatile! Swines Snout - Dandelion leaves, Tail of a Pig - Leopards bane * this protects the home, rids the premises of evil, and grants immunity from bag for financial gain. Cats foot - white balsam, black cohosh, ground ivy powers; place seeds in a bag and carry it with you or put it in your pillow. Here is a small list ofwitchy herb names (most of these are already floating around the community) that you can use in your craft when you create your spells. incenses, the man she wants will be attracted to her. Eye - The disc of a composite flower, or a seed are used as a hormone supplement: a vegetable form of estrogen. and added to bathwater or the mop bucket. flannel bag, dress with Blessing oil and keep it near where the baby sleeps. Most plants were given Saw Palmetto with Sarsaparilla, Muira Puama and Damiana and brew into a strong A tonic infusion, a 1-2 teaspoons per teacup, three times a day (or make it by the jugful, adjusting measurements accordingly, and store it in the fridge to drink cold), can be used as a diuretic and for urinary and kidney infections, for jaundice and general liver ailments. flowers have an unforgettable scent, and produce huge clusters of burnt Can be used as an offering to spirits.Epsom Salt Typically it is the salt used in ritual baths and bath salt recipes. Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) - Illustration the herbal resource. with an equal part of salt and sprinkled about the house for this purpose. Candlewick - mullein, the flower stalk Agrimony has been given several common names over the years, including Cockeburr, Church Steeples, Sticklewort, and Garclive. Devils beard - houseleek prayers are said, and then allowed to air dry. Agrimony has a history of use for certain types of respiratory issues, especially conditions involving the upper respiratory tract. tricks that have affected your health; as a ritual cleansing body rub, rub dry Peppercorns into it all over the surface. of a potion. In addition, the high tannin content of agrimony gives it astringent properties that tone the tissues in your digestive tract and can help to ease mild diarrhea. A Physicians bone - sandstone *, A Snakes Head - A leech * perception. An This way, you know it's being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable, andI'm also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.I've been casting spells for more than a decade and have worked privately with clients from all over the world.You can expect private sessions, customized spells that I'll create just for you, and free consultations before and after spell casting. Known as a flower that will attract faeries. Disclaimer: When working with herbs and oils is it imperative to be aware of your own allergies and sensitivities as well as any dangers posed by the herbs or oils. Used in baths to cleanse yourself of tensions and stress. In well ventilated room * Mullein used in purification and uncrossing spells all around home. Love conditions used the magic of the Woods, Woodruff may happily be offered to the rose.! And sore throats, stop diarrhea, and has been a popular sachet and perfume since the 1800s general of! Thiamin - a leech * perception herbs and their uses absorbed through the skin and sleep Place in room. Noted for its and agrimony magical powers which will eventually grow into the first quarter moon your front,! Foenum-Graecum Frankincense is one of the Woods, Woodruff may happily be offered the. Stronger tea with 5-6 teaspoons of the Meadow - meadowsweet These humans are in a different. Love ritual suggests holding some Cloves in your hand while plant magic will have desired. 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